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Pete was training by himself as Macau has been occupied for a few weeks now. Pete has devoted himself into getting stronger and sharping his skills. Vegas walked in on his boyfriend punching the heavy punching bag.

"Need a sparing partner?" Vegas offered as he thinks Pete needs a real fight.

"Me and you fighting? Not such a good idea." Pete said as rejects the offer.

"Why? Are you scared?"  Vegas asked as he shot a teasing grin on his face.

"I'm not scared. Let's spar together." Pete accept as he got ready in his stance.

Vegas took off his jacket as he tossed it on the ground. Pete smirked as Vegas signaled him to attack. Pete took a swing but he missed wildly as Vegas dodge. Every time Pete tried to land a punch, Vegas would dodge as it was getting Pete more frustrated that Vegas was refusing to fight back.

"Why would you hit me?" Pete questioned him.

"You want me to hit you?"


Vegas smirked as he saw a opening and punch Pete hard in the gut, making Pete groan in pain. The force was hard and Pete wasn't prepared for it.

"I guess you gotten weaker with all the miss countless training sessions." Vegas stated as he turned around on his heel.

Pete too the opportunity to grabbed Vegas but his leg and yank him until he fall right on his face. The vampire was down and Pete too the liberty to stand on top of him. Vegas turned on his back to look at his boyfriend who was standing all tall and mighty.

"You sly kitten." Vegas said as he swiftly up as he pinned Pete to the mat.

Pete grunted from the impact as Vegas's weight was on top of him. His hands were held above him as the vampire held on tight to them, making it hard for Pete to use his hands to fight back.

"Vegas, get off me." Pete command as he struggled to get out of his boyfriend's grip.

"What's the matter baby? I thought you loved submitting to me." Vegas smirked.

"This isn't funny." Pete stated as he didn't find this fun at all.

"I'm not joking around. This is the real deal baby. What happens if a vampire pins you down like this and has you at their mercy. How will you counter and defend yourself?" Vegas questioned him.

"I......I don't know. You're too strong."

"No, you're too weak. You're not an ordinary human Pete. You belong to a bloodline of vampire hunters. You have a lot of strength build up in you and you're not using it." Vegas stated as he informed Pete of who he truly is.

Pete gritted his teeth hard as he tried and tried to counter or take control as he needed to find the strength to break free. Pete puffed out his chest as he was able to push his arm forward as his arms were no more on the mat.

Vegas was finally seeing it. The strength in front of his  eyes. Pete wrapped his legs around the vampire as he turn him and himself over to now Pete on top of Vegas who had his hands pinned down to the mat.

"Wow, I think I like this position better." Vegas says as he was already defeated.

Pete looked down and realized the position he was in on his boyfriend in the middle of the training room. Pete reluctantly tried to get off of Vegas but Vegas wasn't letting him go just yet.

"Where do you think you're going?" Vegas pulled Pete back on top of him.

"To shower. I'm sweaty." Pete admitted.

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