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Macau waited for Elias at their now usually spot. Macau doesn't even know how or when this became their thing but he just feels like he should come here everyday because he knows Elias would be here. Yet Macau's here and he doesn't see Elias around which makes him feel a bit disappointed.

Macau kicked some rocks with his feet and decides to give Elias a little more time as he still believes he will come.

Elias finally came as he was looking weak and stumbling as his body lips towards the young vampire. Macau saw Elias and noticed he did not look well.

"Elias?" Macau called his name out concerned for the guy.

"I'm sorry I am late." Elias apologizes as he didn't mean to be late.

"What happened to you? You look terrible." Macau pointed out as he carful sat down Elias onto the ground.

"I feel so drained and have been having trouble sleeping most night." Elias admitted and Macau put his two fingers to feel up Elias neck to feel a pulse.

His heart was beating irregularly and it feels like enough blood wasn't bumping his heart to keep it steady. Macau fears that maybe the reason Elias is in this horrible condition is because he's been using him as human blood bag everyday.

"This is my fault and you might die because of me." Macau admits and the mention of death made Elias eyes widen.

He didn't think he was gonna die before being like this.

"I can't die yet." Elias said as he was panicking.

Macau felt deeply sorry as the only friend he made at this uni is on the verge of death unless he doesn't do something but Macau himself knows it's dangerous and not could potentially lead to a problem in the future.

What choose do you have when a someone who help you is dying?

Macau exposed his golden and brown eyes as his fangs appeared. Macau took his own wrist and hit himself, surprising even Elias on what he is doing.

"I need you to drink from me." Macau advice and Elias looked at him crazy.


"It's a little hard to explain but just trust me. It will help you I promise." Macau said and Elias was hesitant but he felt himself draining every passing second.

Elias took Macau wrist as he tasted the blood thinking it was going to taste nasty and gross but the more he was drinking Macau's blood from his wrist, it was sweet.

After Elias was done drinking what he could, Macau sighed of relief that Elias was gonna be okay and no longer in danger.

"Why would you let me drink your blood like that?" Elias asked Macau as he didn't understand why his blood was so sweet.

"Vampire blood comes with benefits and healing is one of them but it's also dangerous because if you die with my blood in your system, you will be transitioning into a fledgling."Macau explains.

"Fledgling? What's that?" Elias inquires.

"A fledgling is a a being between a vampire and a human. Kinda like a New-Born vampire but hasn't tasted human blood yet but even though you may not need to drink human blood to survive and you can drink from other species, you're limited life span is 28 days or your mortal body dies."

Knowing this information was quite useful for Elias as he didn't know much about vampires and how they are. It was so much to take in and no matter how strange things get, it was becoming stranger for Elias.

"You would need to take it easy since my blood is flowing into your blood stream to heal you but by tomorrow, my blood should be out of your system and you will be okay again." Macau promised and Elias at least felt relieved about that.

"How did you become a vampire?" Elias suddenly asked which Macau was a little stunned of the question but nonetheless, they were talking about the topic of vampires.

"I was turned back in 1851 and my father was turned by a vampire when I was just barley 18. Me and Hia were dying from a Illness that spread across town. So my dad took it upon himself to turn his last two children into vampires. Forcing and cursing us to live forever. He was selfish and cruel to us ever since we were young. He's dead now but his ways still haunts me. Hia took care of me and stayed by side. He is really the only father figure I know." Macau explained his story as it's been so long since he talked about the day he became immortal.

He's lived for so long and not once he was asked on how he turned.

"So tragic and I'm sorry to hear about that." Elias said, feeling a sorry for Macau.

Macau arched an eyebrow as he saw the sadness of Elias's face. Macau shoved Elias shoulder to stop him from looking so sad.

"Don't look like that. I'm over it. I've lived for over two hundred year and you think I will still be sad about it?" Macau said, trying to change the whole mood and depressing attitude.

"I guess you are right." Elias pursed his lips into a thin line, nodding at Macau.

"Can you stand up now?" Macau asked as he didn't want to just sit behind the school all day since he has classes.

"I think so." Elias said as he tried to pick himself up with a little of Macau's help of course. "I am feeling a lot better. Thank you." Elias admitted.

"Don't mention it and thanks for trying to at least help but let's not meet up and do this again. I realized I am far too dangerous for you and I should have never let this gone so far." Macau stated as he deeply feels upset with himself that he almost killed Elias.

"It's okay-"

"It's not. I'm a vampire and you're human. Do you even realize the guilt I would feel if you died? Pete would hate me that I used his childhood best friend as a blood sampler. It was dangerous and selfish." Macau said as he began to walk away from Elias but Elias was quick to catch the vampire before it was too late.

"So, are you really gonna end everything here? I thought we could of spend more time together." Elias asked Macau as his words made Macau have this funny feeling inside him.

He didn't want to end this here but Macau has witnessed before time and time again. Human friendship like these will never last because everyone single one of his friends ended up dead or he had to watch them die and live their lives to the fullest.

It's best if Macau ends things with Elias now before it's too late.

"I've never wanted to spend time with you. So what's the point of ending something that never started." He said his finally words to Elias as he left the boy by himself.

Elias felt like he just got dumped and went through a break up that he didn't even have a relationship with. It hurt a lot as Macau was actually refusing to see or spend time with him again.

When The Heart Bleeds (Dark 18+) [OH HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now