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Pete was training with Macau but Pete noticed that Macau as upped his training. He is using his vampire speed and his vampire strength so much that Pete can barley keep up. Macau tackle Pete down to the mat as he got on top of him and tried to punch Pete square in the face.

"Macau, are you really gonna punch me in face?" Pete asked as he blocked Macau's fist in his hand.

"I'm training you extra hard because I feel like you gotten to comfortable with our other training sessions." Macau admitted as he only trying to train Pete.

Pete gritted his teeth as he was struggling to block Macau's fist as the young vampire kept pushing and pushing his fist forward.

"That's enough!" Vegas suddenly announced as he walked in on the two boys. "Get off my boyfriend." Vegas stated and Macau quickly got off top of Pete.

Vegas offered his hand to Pete as he help lifted him up. Vegas observed around Pete's body and face to see if Macau landed any bruises and or marks on Pete durning their training.

"Where did you get that scar?" Vegas pointed out as he saw a small scar on Pete's elbow.

"I um....."

Vegas turned his head at his little brother as he slapped Macau hard on the back of the head. Macau groaned in pain as he didn't understand why his older brother hit him.

"Hia! What the fuck? Why did you hit me?" Macau questioned his brother as he winced.

"You gave my boyfriend a scar on his elbow. I don't want make bruises on his skin!" Vegas stated as he made it clear that he doesn't want Pete hurt.

"You're such a hypocrite. I see Pete was tons of bruises on his skin from you!" Macau pointed out as he remembered Pete was purple marks and bruises on his skin.

"T-That's.....different! Only I can mark him!" Vegas said as he was the only exception.

Macau only rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, leaving the two boys by themselves.

"Are you okay baby?"

"I'm totally fine. Macau didn't hurt me and this scar has nothing to do with him. I did it to myself by accident." Pete admitted and Vegas just nods his head in understanding.

"You're just so damn cute. I need to protect you." Vegas admitted as he really cares about Pete's well being.

"You are the one who requested this training. Bumps and bruises are bond to happen." Pete reminded him as this was his idea the whole time.

"Then.....maybe I should train you." Vegas recommended.

"No, Macau is training me well. If you train me, you will only go softer on me and I don't want that. Macau is the perfect teacher so don't worry." Pete assured as he walked out of the room.

He found Macau in the kitchen drinking a hospital blood bag with a small towel wrapped around his neck. Pete sat in front of the island counter as he noticed a small grin from the vampire. Pete noticed Macau's attitude since before they started training but he didn't want to say or point it out.

"Macau, are you okay?" Pete had to ask as the boy was really looking crazy just smiling to himself.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine." Macau admitted.

Pete squinted his eyes in suspicious and he doesn't believe Macau is just fine. Something happened because otherwise he wouldn't be this happy but before Pete could asked him another question, Vegas came as he wrapped his arms around Pete's waist.

"Actually Hia, I might be late for dinner tonight. I have......something important to handle." Macau suddenly blurted out.

"Important? What is it?" Vegas asked as he didn't know his little brother has plans.

"It's........to investigated on that intruder. I'm tracking his scent around to see if I find clues on who sent him." Macau came up with an excuse.

Vegas was suspicious but then again, he doesn't see any other reason for Macau to lie.

"Okay, let me know what you find by tonight." Vegas said as he just believes his little brothers words.

Macau nodded as he went upstairs to get a shower and changed. He found and out on the best causal outfit he could find but everything is so expensive that no matter what he puts on, he looks far from normal but he is just gonna have to make this due.

Macau left his house and hopped in his most expensive car and drove off to his important plan he had to handle.

Macau arrived in front of an large open flower field with a few trees around. In the distance is a swimming pond with a deck by it. Macau quickly out of his trunk and got a large blanket and containers with food instead them.

Macau step all of them up by himself and now he just waits until it was time.

A red Bugatti came as it caught Macau's attention. He waited for about twenty five minutes for Elias to finally arrive. Elias stepped out of his car as he arrived to the so call address Macau wanted him to come to.

"Macau, what is this place exactly?" Elias asked as he didn't understand this whole place.

"It's a lot to explain but here come sit with me." Macau suggested as he gestured Elias to sit with him on the blanket.

Elias complied as he sat on the blanket.

"Are you hungry?" Macau asked.

"Yeah, I'm a bit hungry." Elias admitted and Macau smiled as he opened all the containers.

"I didn't make them. Our maids did and they are really good to me so I think you would like them." Macau admitted and Elias tasted the food as he found it really delicious.

"It's great." Elias complimented. "You made all of these for me?" He asked to which, Macau nodded his head.

"I don't eat food really. I only survive on blood and eat real food sometimes to blend in with the humans." Macau admitted and Elias nodded.

"If blood is what you want, take some of mind. I don't mind." Elias offers himself to the young vampire, wanting Macau to drink from his arm like before.

Macau swats his arm away, confusing Elias of the rejection.

"Are you that forgetful? I told you It's dangerous and I'm never gonna use you like that again. You almost died that day and if you really did, I would hate myself." Macau reminded Elias of that day that almost happened.

"On that day, you saved me and broke my heart. On that day, you wanted to cut all ties with me because you were scared you would hurt me but you did hurt me. You not wanting to be with me hurt." Elias admitted his true feelings on that painful day.

I guess Macau never really apologized for that as he didn't know his words hurt Elias so badly.

"I'm sorry Elias." Macau apologizes finally.

"I can't forgive you that easily. You have to prove that you are." Elias said as he plans to play with this a little more.

Macau rolled his eyes but understands so what Macau did was he leaned over and kissed Elias on the cheek. The affection surprised the hell out of Elias as he didn't expect the small kiss but he loved it.

"Give me one more over here." Elias prompted as he pointed to his left cheek.

Macau smiled and leaned and kiss Elias on his left cheek and what only made Elias blush become redder.

"You forgive me now?" Macau asked.

"Apologize accepted." Elias said as he grabbed Macau's head as he planted a long gentle kiss on his forehead before the two could finish their picnic lunch.

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