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In a small populated town, history of Vampires and hunters were flooded in town news for more than a hundreds years. A bloodline of vampire hunters kill vampires as they try to make this small gloomy town safe from the blood suckers.

For years, the only family that's been hiding in the shadows from the hunters is the Theerapanyakul as they have been the hunters number one enemy for over a hundred years for the Saengtham, they have failed to kill them as they were slaughter many years ago.

Now a new generation as the last of Saengtham bloodline is yet to appear to fulfill their destiny.


A couple in a tent were sleeping in the cold night as the window blew vigorously as it shake the tent. A woman shivered as the blanket she was snuggling herself into wasn't warming her enough.

"Babe, I-I'm c-cold." The woman shivered as her teeth was chattering.

The man woke up from his sleep as he tried to bring his girlfriend close to him so he could tried to help her get warm. The couple wanted to go on an adventure to the woods on a date but the weather became colder later on in the night for the two. Sounds of tree branch breaking continuously as the sounded was getting closer and closer to the tent.

"Babe did you hear that? What is that out there?" The woman complained as she was frightened from the noise.

"It's probably just a squirrel. Just go back to sleep." The woman boyfriend said as he didn't want his girlfriend to worry.

The rattle noised continued as it wasn't stoping anytime soon.

"Seriously, there is something out there." She complained as she separated herself from her boyfriend.

"Okay, I'll go out there and check." He said as eh got up and unzipped the tent.

The man took out his flashlight as he flashes the light in the trees. He walked closer to where he heard the rattle noise the most. The man tripped over a large tree branch as the smell of blood hit his face. He flashes his light as he saw a dead deer in his face as the deer entire body was opened up. The deer was viciously demolished as  half on the deers body was torn off it's body from the legs. The man was horrified from the sight as he felt disgusted.

"Oh my god." He gasp as he covered his mouth from the smell.

The man stood up from the dirt as he heard and felt a gush of window flying pass him. The man darted his eyes in the distance as he saw a tall figure just standing in the woods.

"Who's there?" He asked but the figure says nothing as he stood there. "Are you okay?" The man asked again but to no answer.

He flashed she flashlight to the figure as he saw blood dripping down the figures mouth. The man was shivered in fear of the sight as he moved his legs to run away from the menace in front of him

"Babe! Get out of the tent and runaway!" The man shouted as he ran back to the tent to get his girlfriend. Once he got back to the tent, it was too late as his girlfriend was found dead as blood was dripping from her neck. "B-Babe?" He stuttered as he found his girlfriend no longer breathing.

The man looked through his bag as he tried to find his cellphone to call for help but to no avail, no signaled to call for help. The man was panicking as he tried to call 911 over and over again.

"Damn it!" He cursed as he slam his phone towards the ground.

The man heard the rattling noise again as he gotten more terrified. He left the tent as his only option was to runaway before he was next to be killed by the mysterious figure. He tried to find the jeep he came here with that wasn't too far from their tent. He hopped inside and put the keys in the engine but it wasn't starting as it sounded dead.

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