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Pete wasn't an early raiser but Vegas helped in get up early this morning for his training. Macau decided to train Pete in room with only empty space and nothing. There were mats on the floor and Macau was stretching as he demonstrated his flexibility into a perfect split.

Pete was amazed as he didn't know Macau was very flexible.

"Morning Pete." Macau said.

"Morning but super early. Couldn't we just do this a little later Macau?" Pete asked and Macau gave him a glare.

Macau stop up from the mat as he walked closer to Pete. Pete thought Macau looked a bit terrifying just how he was staring at him.

"Don't tell me Vegas as babied you? You have grown too soft since you moved here. Since you and Vegas been together, you haven't been yourself. The Pete I knew wasn't afraid to put my brother in his place when he tried to tell you what to do. That's the Pete I want and you're gonna show me that Pete today." Macau reminded Pete on how he use to be.

Macau was right. Pete hasn't been himself and because he started dating Vegas, he became a softer person and that's not who he is.

"Now we start with stretches. I don't want you to hurt yourself so c'mon." Macau prompted as he guided Pete to big blue mat on the floor.

The two men did a variety of stretches that Macau thinks Pete should do before they start. Macau stood up and Pete did too as he took it that they are done stretching and it's time for their training to begin.

"Pete has your parents train you at all?" Macau asked and Pete nodded.

"I took basic defense classes when young but my dad died before he could train me his ways himself. I only know the basics." Pete admitted and Macau nodded as he understood.

"At least you know the basics. Now I want you to try to attack me. Don't be scared and don't worry about hurting me because you can't." Macau reminded and Pete nodded.

Pete got in his stance and took a deep breath as he lunged himself as he wrapped his arms around Macau's waist to try to pin him down.

Macau bend his knees as he held his grip onto Pete's hands to try to get a grip onto Pete's fingers to escape. Macau successfully grabbed Pete's finger as he just twisted it until the pain made Pete whale out in pain.

It caused Pete to break out of the grip he had. Macau let go because he didn't want to accidentally break Pete's finger.

"Fuck!" Pete shouted as he didn't expect this to happen to fast.

"You don't have enough strength to try to pin me down. You see how easy it was the grab you finger from around me?" Macau mentions as his teachings are harder for Pete.

How is he supposed to get enough strength against someone who is 50 times stronger than him but physically looks weak and innocent. Macau just has such an unfair advantage.

"Now shake it off and try to come at me again." Macau instructed and Pete pouted but did as Macau told him to do.

Pete once again got into his stance and locked his arms with Macau as they two boys foreheads were pressed against each other. Pete gritted his teeth as he wanted to show dominance in this training but Macau was too strong.

Macau then got out of the lock and put Pete in a head lock. Pete was having a a hard time breathing as he felt himself fainting soon.

"Pete, you're just gonna faint from a headlock that easily? Yesterday you weren't strong enough and you let Vegas get hurt. What happens if Vegas gets hurt like that again, you're gonna run like a coward? Huh Pete?" Macau questioned Pete.

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