1- Snowfall on a Hot Night

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When I was a kid, I enjoyed watching all kinds of superhero shows on the TV. They were fun but mostly pretty tame. But one day, the hero asked... 'Do you know what true happiness is?'. He said he hated the fact that his life might end before he knew the answer to that question. And basically we were lost because no one knows the truth. I thought, 'well that's messed up. You want kids to go that deep before they're even in school'. Is happiness being rich? Hooking up with hot girls? Getting into the best schools? Climbing up social ladders? I'm sure that's what a bunch of people want in life. But that's not what gets me going. And I've gotta say, I'm glad I figured that out early.

Young red haired Reki skateboards through the city to make it to the shop, Dope Sketch, where he works. He spots his boss' van parked outside as skates over to it. He steps off his board and picks it up, putting it under his arm as he opens the van door.

"You're late" his Boss, Shokichi Oka says as Reki gets in, throwing his skateboard into the backseat where his boss' small dog lays down asleep, barely missing him.

"I'm sorry, man" Reki says as he puts his seatbelt on, shutting the door to the van.

Shokichi starts the engine as they set off. After driving for a few minutes, they arrive at some run down old skate park which used to be popular back in the day when skateboarding was more popular, unlike the present times.

"These skateboarders. Someone's gonna get hurt" Shokichi says as he honks his horn at some boarders who refuse to move out of the way until last minute.

"Well it looks like a typical night to me" Reki says as he leans out of the window, looking around at everyone.

Shokichi stops the van as Reki grabs his board. He unbuckles his belt and opens the door, jumping out of the van.

"I'll park up at the usual spot. Don't get yourself killed, Reki" Shokichi says as he looks at Reki.

"Where's the fun in that?" Reki asks with a smirk as he runs off.

"You were smart to run away the last time" one of the best skateboarders at the park, Shadow, says as he stands at the start line, his arms folded over his chest.

"Take back what you said, Shadow" Reki says as he steps off his board and rests his hand on it, "you're gonna regret dissing me".

The alarm blares, signifying the start of the race, and that the surroundings are secure. Reki looks at Shadow who sticks his tongue out, drawing his thumb along his neck as he chuckles.

"Don't let him get to you, Reki" Shokichi says from the top of the hill where he's parked.

The top of the hill has the best advantage in terms of views as you can see the entire route of the track, not missing a single thing. Reki and Shadow step on their boards as the countdown starts and a woman dressed in a bikini stands in front of them, in the middle of the two boards so she's not in their way. The traffic light above them shines green as the woman waves her flag, the two of them setting off. Shadow takes the lead as Reki follows behind him.

"Might want to speed up a little more if you wanna catch up!" Shadow taunts as he jumps over rocks in the ground around the corners of the track, "come on. Give me some fight at least!".

"God damn it! This sucks!" Reki says angrily as Shadow looks back at him.

Almost there. Just a little faster.

Reki says as the two of them go around a corner, Reki making it in front of Shadow. Shadow takes out some small cylinder shaped objects from his pocket as he throws them under Reki's board. The objects get under Reki's wheels as he falls from his board, crashing into a bush as Shadow goes on ahead.

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