9- We Were Special Back Then

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--- the other day at the pier ---

"Check this out" Joe says as he places his hands against the marks on the wall in front of him, "these wheel marks were from when I was perfecting my Crail Snatchers. So many memories. Oh man, I'm pretty sure this is where you nailed your first Laser Flip, isn't it, Kaoru?".

"Do you realise how many times we've challenged Adam to race since he returned to Japan?" Cherry asks as he leans against the railings, Luna's back leant against his chest, his arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm with his embrace and his jacket.

"Yeah, and he never gets back to us" Joe says as he rolls his eyes.

"Do you think there's a reason for it?" Luna asks as she looks up at Cherry.

"Honestly, I think he's terrified of having his ass handed to him" Joe says as he looks at Cherry and Luna, "and I also think he's pretty shook up because of your unannounced return to Japan, Luna. He definitely wasn't expecting that. But I guess he knows you're gonna challenge him at some point".

"Yeah, I'm not so sure that's it" Cherry says as he leans down and kisses Luna's forehead, "but he's for sure scared of you, Luna. Hell, you scare me sometimes".

"Well what then?" Joe asks as he walks over to Cherry and Luna.

"I'll have to see for myself" Cherry says as the wind blows gently.

--- present day at 'S' ---

Joe and Langa continue their race, Joe in front of Langa.

I'm gaining on him.

Langa says as Joe starts to speed up again.

Sorry, but you're gonna have to bite this one. I'm going up against Adam next.

Joe says as he looks back at Langa.

"Well it's clear he's going to do pointless moves, despite my warning" Cherry says as he watches Joe speed up again.

"You think so?" Shadow asks as he watches the board.

"His angle is weak too" Cherry says as he studies all of Joe's moves, "if he had entered at twenty five degrees, he could have exited point three seconds faster".

"You broke it down to milliseconds?" Miya asks as he looks at Cherry.

"Look how poor his body tilt is" Cherry says smugly, "I bet he's just--".

"Can someone press mute?" Shadow asks as he looks around.

"How can he expect to beat Adam when he can't even beat a rookie?" Cherry asks as he looks at the board.

"Looks like Joe's about to win" someone says as they hold their tablet in their hands.

"Well duh, that's not much of a fight" another guy says, "he's not much of a rival".

"Hey! Why don't you quit crapping on people you don't know!" Reki yells angrily, "the guy's jumps are fucking beautiful! They're like... falling snow in a summer blizzard. I've been watching the entire time. His intuition, his passion, how intensely he loves skating".

"Hold up. Did you just say you're cheering on snow boy?" one of the guys asks as he looks at Reki.

"We're gonna bet. You in?" another guy asks as he walks to Reki.

"That's not why I'm here" Reki says as he looks at the guy.

"Oh come on dude. I thought he already pulled away at the corner" the guy with the tablet says as the two guys and Reki run over.

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