3- Undesired Hero

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"Don't even think about it" Reki says from behind Miya, "he's in a totally different class".

"I heard you're actually a snowboarder, is that right?" Miya asks, his interest in Langa peaking even more, "very fascinating. I'd love to see how you managed to beat Shadow".

"I get that" Langa says as he looks at Miya, "I just don't know if I could ever do it again. But I accept".

"Slow your roll! Don't get cocky just cos you nailed an Ollie!" Reki says as he looks at Langa, "this guy's a hardcore professional".

"I'm in!" Langa says confidently.

"Really?" Reki asks as he pushes by Miya.

"Then it's settled. What will the stakes be?" Miya asks as he takes Shokichi's dog into his arms, "any ideas on what we should bet?".

--- at 'S' skate route ---

"That's ridiculous. They should just keep the gates open" Langa says as he and Reki skate through the gates of 'S'.

"You're not even supposed to talk about 'S' existing" Reki says as he pushes off of the ground with his foot, "why would they keep it open for all to see? Anyways, is this like your shtick, jumping into stupid situations?".

"What do you mean?" Langa asks as he swerves on his board.

"I mean accepting rando challenges" Reki says as he looks at Langa, "no other newb would race against Shadow. Now you're taking on a Japanese National Team hopeful?".

"I don't know. It sounded fun I guess" Langa says as he looks down.

Miya enters the course as he soon catches up to Reki and Langa.

"No way man, look at your feet!" Reki says as he laughs whilst pointing at Langa's feet.

"Those two" Miya says frustrated.

Heroes don't associate with slimes, didn't your manager teach you that?

Miya remembers the words of someone he met once at one of his competitions.

"Check out that RSP" Reki says as he looks Langa up and down, "you're doing well out here".

"What is?" Langa asks as he looks at Reki.

"You don't even know the name of your board?" Reki asks with a small smile, "you're riding the Reki Royal Straight Prince Maru, my dude".

"Huh? Who the heck is Prince Maru?" Langa asks confused.

"I heard that's what the girls call you" Reki says as he points at Langa.

"They certainly don't" Langa says, never recalling being called such a thing.

"Pretty sure they do" Reki says as he puts his hands on his hips.

"No they don't" Langa says as Miya speeds past in between the two of them, stopping in front of them.

"Hey, you could've hurt somebody!" Reki shouts angrily.

"That's one thing about trash" Miya says as he pulls his hood down, "it all gets thrown on the same pile".

"What was that?" Reki asks angrily.

"Practicing with losers is not a good look" Miya says as he looks at the two of them, "well, later slime boy".

"Gimme a break!" Reki says as he goes after Miya.

"Reki!" Langa says as he goes after Miya.

Miya looks back as he spots Reki behind him. He smirks as he spins on his board.

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