7- We Don't Balance Out

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"Hey Mum? Did you make me a lunch?" Reki asks as he runs into the kitchen.

"It's on the table, dear" Reki's Mum says as she organises something in the cupboard.

"Got it!" Reki says as he grabs the bento box as he runs out of the room.

"Oh my gosh, is he actually going to make it on time?" Reki's little sister asks as she passes by Reki.

Reki runs out of the house and onto the street as he manages to stuff his bento into his backpack. He jumps onto his board as he skates his way over to Langa's house.

"Hey, what's up?" Langa says as Reki skates over to him.

"Hanging out. Where we going?" Reki asks as the two of them do their handshake.

"I was thinking the big wood course" Langa says as he raises his brow.

"Sounds great" Reki says with a smile.

The two of them set off as they start to skate alongside each other. Langa takes out a bottle of water as he takes a swig. He puts the lid on as he looks back at Reki, throwing it to him as he catches it. The two of them spot a downhill spot with a rail as Reki goes ahead and jumps onto the rail, sliding down it. He stops at the bottom as he looks up at Langa who stands at the top of the hill. Langa smiles happily as he skates down the hill and turns a sharp right as he goes up a ramp, skating up the side of the wall, touching the red spray painted star as he lands on the ground, completely shocking Reki.

"Whoa! Badass!" Reki says as he balls his fists.

"Awesome!" a kid says from behind Reki.

"What's that trick called?" another asks.

"I had no idea you could jump that high!" another says in astonishment.

Langa and Reki both laugh as they high five each other.

--- at the company Adam works at ---

"The route to Mita Construction has been squashed" a man says as he walks in front of Adam.

"It has. And the secret account ledger as well" Adam says as he shuts his eyes.

"Good deal. If they find out about the funding, it'll be the last time I wear my badge" the man says as he looks at Adam.

"Mr Takano, word on the street is that there's been some collusion" Kiriko says as she shows up out of the blue, "care to share what you know about Nagahama Dam?".

"I believe I went over this during our assembly" Adam says as he stands in front of Mr Takano, "the bidding was done according to regulations".

"How very unfortunate" Kiriko says with a small smirk, "still using your same logic of factions, covering for a more tenured member".

"I'm simply answering your question" Adam says as he looks at Kiriko.

"Just because you gave an explanation doesn't mean it's accurate" Kiriko says as she looks at Adam, "but you'd never engage in perjury".

"I'm glad you know that" Adam says as he briefly looks down, "I also hope you know the difference between innocent speculation and blatant defamation".

--- at Luna's work ---

"It's not unusual for him to daydream and zone out" Luna says as she sits across from her co-worker, "but ever since we left Mum and Dad, it's kind of like I'm talking to his ghost. I was actually debating whether or not to bring him back to Okinawa, maybe take him to somewhere like Italy instead. He loves snowboarding so much, I was worried it'd feel like a second loss. At least in Italy, especially in the Northern parts, you can snowboard. But here we are. It feels like I did the right thing. He's made new friends and even picked up a new hobby. He thinks I don't know when he sneaks out. But I do my fair share of sneaking around too. I just want him to be safe and keep his grades up".

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