2- Awesome for the First Time

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"What the hell was that?" Reki asks as Langa comes up to him.

"I think I won" Langa says as he walks over.

"And what I want to know is how the hell did you get in here?" Luna asks as she walks over.

"Luna. What are you doing here?" Langa asks, shocked that his sister is here.

"I watched you and your friend here drive off. You went the backroads way. And those backroads only lead to one place... here" Luna says as she stands in front of Langa, "what are you doing here?".

"We were just making a delivery and I got pulled into the race. But I won and I'm fine" Langa says as he looks at her, "but how did you even get in here? You can only get in here with a badge or a sticker".

"Come on. We're leaving" Luna says as she grabs Langa's hand.

"But why?" Langa asks as Luna drags him away.

"Because I can't stay here for too long" Luna says as she continues to walk.

"I thought that wisp of lilac hair earlier was you Luna. Or should I say, Solar" Cherry says as Luna stops in her tracks.

"It's been a long time, Kaoru" Luna says as she stops walking, "I'd stay and talk but I'm leaving before-".

"Is that you, Luna?" a green haired man asks from behind her.

"Before he gets here. Hey, Kojiro" Luna says as she turns to look at him, "come on Langa. We're leaving".

Reki watches as Luna pulls Langa away from the tracks.

--- the next day ---

"So your sister used to skateboard at 'S'?" Reki asks as he looks at Langa.

"Apparently, yeah. She was childhood friends with that green haired guy and that Cherry guy too. She stayed here until she was in high school and then when she graduated, she moved to Canada to get a degree" Langa explains as he and Reki stop.

"Well that's pretty cool" Reki says with a smile.

"Yeah, but she's kind of mad at me" Langa says as he looks down.

"I can guess why. 'S' isn't really the best place for high schoolers to be. So many drug dealers are there and the cops get close to finding the place more times than we can count" Reki says as he shrugs, "but it's whatever. It's not gonna stop you from skateboarding, right?".

"I guess" Langa says as he shrugs.

"Never mind your sister, I've never seen anyone skateboard like that in my life!" Reki says excitedly, "how did you do that flipping trick at the end? Is that some kind of snowboarding thing?".

"Yep. It's the backside rodeo" Langa says as he pulls on the tape in his hands.

"The American hizzay!" Reki says as he points at Langa.

"You mean Canada" Langa says as he looks at Reki.

"That's right" Reki says as he puts his hand on Langa's back, "well, Ca-nay-da Ca-nah-da, that's not the point. You know how to skate! I wanna see more!".

"You got it!" Langa says as he stands up, "stand back!" he says as he stands on his board at the top of the hill, "push me".

"Ah, jeez" Reki says as he walks to Langa and gives him a small push.

Langa starts down the hill as he turns a corner, only to see an open road in front of him. Reki runs after him as he watches Langa fall into the road.

"Langa!" Reki yells as Langa lies flat, a truck driving straight over him.

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