12- Our Infinity!

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"Can you believe it's happening?" Reki asks as he adds the finishing touches to Luna's newest board, "your sister is up against Adam".

"I know" Langa says as he sweeps up.

"Do you know if she's thought of a strategy yet?" Reki asks as he gets out his spray paints, "she'll need one".

"Do you know why Adam got into skating?" Langa asks as he stops sweeping.

"I never thought about it" Reki says as he looks at Langa.

"Maybe he's been alone for a long time" Langa says as he looks down.

"Makes sense with that personality" Reki says as he picks up Luna's board.

"Anyway, I was just wondering" Langa says as he holds onto his broom.

"I guess he started because, well, it's fun" Reki says as he leans on the table, "I mean there's not really any other reason to get into it, right?".

"That's true" Langa says with a smile.

--- the next night on the way to 'S' Crazy Rock ---

"Your injuries healed suspiciously" Miya says as he looks at Shadow who sits next to him in the minivan they rented for the night.

"I can't sleep my life away in a hospital" Shadow says as he looks at Miya.

"He meant that" Cherry says as he drives the van.

"So, do we think Luna can win this thing?" Shadow asks as he leans back in his chair.

"I mean she beat your ass in the match against you" Miya says smugly.

"But it wasn't against Adam" Cherry says as he watches the road.

"What do you mean?" Miya asks as he looks at Cherry.

"Luna hasn't raced against Adam in years. Not since she left Japan for Canada" Cherry says as he sighs, "the last time they raced, he broke part of her neck, her spirit, and she never wanted to race again. Seeing her back on the board was maddening to me. I didn't know how she built herself back up to do it".

"Alright, and those are the finishing touches" Reki says as he shows Langa Luna's new board, "a white board, rhinestone edges, black LED light wheels, 'SK8' on the bottom in neon green spray paint, the board overall exactly as Luna wanted it.

They all arrive at 'S' as Joe and Luna pull up on Joe's bike at the side of the minivan.

"What the hell?" Shadow asks confused.

"Something's up. This isn't normal" Cherry says as he looks at the sheer amount of cars and people trying to get in.

"You'll have to walk it from here folks!" one of the guards shout.

"I'll be okay. I'm sure they're making Adam walk too" Luna says as she hugs Joe from behind.

Luna gets off of Joe's bike and kisses Cherry on the cheek before walking off. Cherry, Joe, Reki, Langa, Shadow and Miya finally make it into 'S' as they see the new and improved track.

"What is up with that course?" Reki asks in shock.

"If they slip off that track, they're dead for sure" Miya says worriedly.

"Why'd we trade the normal course for a death trap?" Shadow asks confused.

"The normal course at the abandoned factory got blocked off cos of the storm" Snake says as he walks over to them all.

"We used this back in the day when 'S' first started. Luna knows the track like the back of her hand" Cherry says as he recognises the track.

"It was deemed too dangerous and got banned. Cos this is where Luna had her accident" Joe says as he folds his arms.

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