5- Passionate Dancing Night!

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Langa, Reki, Joe, Cherry, Miya and Shadow wait outside of the clinical room as they wait for Luna to come out after seeing the doctor. The door opens as they all stand up.

"They said you did well relocating it, Kaoru. But they want me to keep it in a sling to make sure it's one hundred percent okay" Luna says as she comes out of the room, "and as for my head, I have no brain damage and everything is okay".

"I'm glad it wasn't anything more" Miya says as he sits back down, "I hope you know you're lucky".

"I'm so sorry, Miya" Reki says as he walks over to Miya, "I didn't mean to let you down".

"Oh, I'm not surprised this happened" Miya says as he stands up, "you're Solar, right? The last founding member of 'S'? This has happened to you before, right?".

"So my secret's out, huh?" Luna asks with a small chuckle, "the last time I raced against Adam, he used to 'Love Hug' move against me and I broke part of my neck. It wasn't that bad that I became paralysed, but I've never skated the same again. The move I loved doing, I can't do it anymore. And the incident scared me so much that I gave up racing. But I want to come back to it. And I'm trying. Reki... I have a favour to ask you".

"What is it?" Reki asks as he looks at her.

"I need you to make me a badass board" Luna says as she digs in her pocket, "this is the design and the art that I want, but I don't have the right materials. But you do. So make it for me. And however much it is, I'll triple it. That way, the shop can have some, you can have some, and Shokichi can have some".

"Are you sure?" Reki asks in shock.

"Uh huh" Luna says as she nods.

"Then I'm in" Reki says happily.

"And if you're going up against Adam, you're not alone" Joe says as he and Cherry walk to Luna, "we're both here for you. We'll get you trained up good as new again".

"Don't make it sound like she couldn't beat both our asses in a race right now" Cherry says as he glares at Joe.

"Well, you're right about that one" Joe says with a small smirk.

"I hate to break up whatever relationship the three of your have but Langa here's next up against Adam" Shadow says as he looks down, "we've got work to do".

"I'm the worst. I should've never pulled you into this" Reki says as he looks down, "I'm sorry".

"Don't apologise, Reki" Langa says as he looks at Reki, "it's not your fault".

"You sure?" Reki asks as he looks at Langa.

--- at Reki and Langa's school at lunchtime ---

"What was that all about?" Langa asks as he and Reki sit on the top of the rooftop, eating their lunch.

"I imagined what it'd be like if Adam used the 'Love Hug' on me if Luna wasn't there" Reki says as he takes a bite of his lunch, "what would have happened to me? Luna's used to injuries like that so she said she'd get over it quickly, but I don't think I would've".

"I still can't believe you managed to hurt your shoulder though" Langa says as he looks at Reki's arm which is in a sling.

"It's not my fault. When Adam nearly had me on the ground, I fucked my arm up" Reki says as he struggles to open his flask.

Langa picks up the flask as he opens it for Reki. The two of them drink some of their drink as they place them back down on the ground.

"So..." Reki says as he closes his flask using one hand and his legs to trap the bottle in place.

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