You Motherfucker

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Your turn over in your bed and groan as your alarm from your data pad goes off. Sitting up you reach over and grab it. The time reading is 0400.

"Great. Just fucking great," you muttered groggily.

You hadn't slept a wink last night. Too busy focused on thinking of the hundreds of stormtroopers that were flown in last night that needed to be enrolled into your training. Standing up you go over to the bathroom in the corner of your loft. Turning on the shower, you run your hand under the hot water. Your stomach a bundle of nerves, fueling your anxiety about what is to come for the next six hours of your day.

Humming to yourself, you reach for your shampoo when it feels like a lightning bolt rippled through your head. Groaning your drop down to the tile of the shower gripping your head.

Rage. Uncontrollable rage is what you feel. Like you needed to rip the next person you see head off. However, these aren't the emotions you're feeling. It's someone else's.

Freaking out you start clawing at your head as if you were trying to escape your brain. Trying to escape from whatever demon possessed your mind. Seconds feel like hours when you hear in your mind a dark voice.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!" the voice screams into your mind. And just as suddenly as it started, you felt the splitting headache go away.

Shaking you quickly wash your hair and body and start drying off. Not even bothering to wrap yourself in a towel as you make your way back to your room to put on your lieutenant's uniform. Hastily tying your knee-high boots, you stand and leave your room.

You are walking into the long, sprawling hallways of Starkiller. You try to keep your mind from thinking about what just happened. Rubbing your sweaty palms onto your pants. Facing the door that leads to your office, silently you reach for the button that opens your door when you feel a dark presence behind you. Turning you see a tall man covered head to toe in black. His black mask looking down at you.

"Lieutenant," His metallic voice washes over you.

"Com-Commander Ren," You stutter your words out. "Is-is there something wr-wrong?"

"You need to come with me," He sneers. "General Hux was supposed to accompany you to the briefing of your squadron, but urgent matters were needed elsewhere." He turns and the fury of long black robes flows in his path. Halfway down the hallway with his long strides, you hurry after him trying to keep up.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is. Going. On. Why the fuck is the Commander leading you to your squadron. Hell, why the fuck did he decide to even take on this ordeal. You've been training stormtroopers on Starkiller since you fucking got here. You didn't need the goddammed fucking Com-

"Be quiet." Looking up you saw you were just a few inches away from the Commander. "Keep your thoughts to yourself." He sneered with his metallic voice.

Nodding vigorously you try and keep your mind blank. Absentmindedly forgetting that he could read your thoughts with his wizard ass powers. Rolling your eyes behind him as he walked when all of a sudden you felt a sharp pain on your cheek.

He smacked you. He fucking smacked you. Clutching your face with anger, you felt your face grow hot.

"You motherfucker," The words stumbled out of your mouth before you could even stop them.

"What the fuck, did you just say to me?" His masked face inches from yours now. Your face growing hot from the pain and embarrassment you experienced from what just happened.

"ANSWER ME," He bellowed into your face.

"I'm sorry Commander. I didn't mean to say that. I am so so sorry. Please don't demote me." You cried out. Feeling the anger radiating off of him.

Backing away he walks out onto the hanger containing the stormtroopers. Standing in front of you he introduces himself to the squadron. Giving a speech about how special they are for being chosen to fight for the First Order and all that other stupid shit.

Truth be told you didn't give a fuck about any of it. You just enjoyed bossing around the army, making them train, molding them into perfect little units to be deposed of whenever needed, making them enjoy putting their lives on the line for the Order. Fuck even watching them do whatever you said puffed pride into your cheeks. Feeling like a proud mother hen every time your stormtroopers excelled over the other lieutenants who trained stormtroopers.

"Lieutenant Y/L/N," Commander Ren said. Ushering you to move to the podium.

"Stormtroopers, today is a special day for you. Today you begin your training under my leadership. Today, you start your new life as a stormtrooper for the First Order. Today, you are born anew. Rising from the ashes as a phoenix to create destruction. Power. Fear.

"Troopers. Gather your things and head to your designated locations assigned to you and report to the training room at 0600. Dismissed." You hear the troopers cheering and see them looking around finding people with the same assignments and watch them filter out the door your turn to walk out.

He was still standing there, watching you behind the mask. You could feel his eyes boring into you. He turned in a quick flash and walked out.

0600 came quicker than you liked. 1200 came ever so slow.

Trudging to General Hux's office to deliver your report for the day.

"Come in." His weaselly voice came from inside the room.

Walking in you were about to greet him when you see the Commander standing not far from behind him.

"Commander Ren tells me you did a good job on training and giving your little speech to the new troopers. So good that he wants to re-assign you to training his own personal bodyguards." He sneered at you.

"Excuse me, what?" Your mind replays the smack in the hallway hours earlier. "Re-assign me? I just got these stormtroopers I can't just leave them now." You spat at him.

"Lieutenant, I suggest you get your head right." The Commander said in a cold low voice.

"Me? ME GET MY HEAD RIGHT? HOW ABOUT YOU!" You shouted at him. Not the smartest idea because in an instant you were flung against the wall, drug to the center of the floor and lifted above General Hux's desk, mere inches away from his face.

The last thing you see before you blackout is his dark eyes peering into you.

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