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Quackity woke up, not minding Wilbur. Getting off and going to the kitchen. He sat on the floor in the kitchen. He felt weak, his legs were numb.

He groaned, as he laid his head down I. The cold floor. Wilbur walked in the kitchen a few minutes later. "Quakcity, what are you doing?" Wilbur asked. Leaning down to Quackity's level.

"I feel weak, super fucking weak." Quakcity groaned out. Wilbur looked at him. "Can you move?" Wilbur asked, earning Quackity to flick his wrist. "I think so." He said giving a weak smile.

Wilbur chuckled. "Can you walk is what I mean." Quakcity shakes his head. "Wilbur..." Quackity said before closing his eyes. "He was tired" Wilbur laughs to himself.

He picks Quackity up bridal style and takes him back to the room. He lays him there and leaves the room. Leaving the door open so if Quackity needed him he could hear his name be called.

He started making breakfast, he put a show on for background noise. He didn't like this. But what made this better is Quackity would be sleeping almost all day.

Once breakfast was done he went back to the room. "Quackity, love are you hungry?" He asked shaking Quackity lightly. Quakcity moaned. "Noo" and turned in bed.

He moved some hair out of Quackity's face and left the room. He sat on the couch and ate his breakfast. Quackity was sleeping and he couldn't leave the house, he had to be there for Quackity.

After he finished he fell asleep. He slept on the couch for a few hours. When he woke up he smelled food. He looked in the kitchen and saw Sapnap. "Oh hey man." Wilbur said, a bit of disgust in his voice. Sapnap returned it. "Hello."

He continued to cook food. "So I'm guessing Karl is here?" He said, his voice loosing its bitterness toward the other male. Sapnap nodded.

"He's talking to him right now." Sapnap said turning off the stove and putting the food on plates. "When you go there can you bring them to eat?" He said looking at Wilbur.

He nodded and went towards his room. "Karl...Quackity. Come eat." He said looking at the two. Karl smiled and told Quackity something. Before he went out giggling.

Wilbur looked confused and walked over to him. "What was that about?" He said looking at Quackity, he still looked very weak. Quackity smiled. "Come closer!" He said a bit of excitement and exhaustion in his voice.

Wilbur did as told and moved closer. Quackity threw himself at Wilbur. Connecting their lips and Quackity doing all the work. "Quackity!" Wilbur said suprised.

Quackity laughed. "I really hate that you don't kiss me back." Quackity said sitting up. Wilbur smiled toward him. "Food is ready. Sapnap and Karl are waiting." He said standing up and pulling Quackity to stand with him.

Quakcity coughed, looking at Wilbur after. "Wilbur I can't" he said almost falling, but since Wilbur was there Quackity fell into Wilbur's chest. His legs gave out.

"Quackity, I'll carry you." He said looking straight into Quackity's eyes. Quackity nodded. Wilbur picked him up. And they walked to the table.

Karl and Sapnap were indeed waiting for the two. Once Wilbur put Quackity down Sapnap looked over. "You good?" Quackity nodded. Obviously lying.

Wilbur sat in his seat and they all started eating. Once Karl and Sapnap finished they said goodbye and hoped Quackity the best. "Don't make me feed that to you." Wilbur said once their front door closed. Quackity had taken small bites and played with his food.

Quakcity gave a weak smirk. "You might have to." He said. Wilbur got up and put his dish in the sink. Walking back over to Quackity. He took his fork and out food on it. "Open your mouth." Wilbur demanded.

Quackity obeyed and opened it. He looked into Wilbur's eyes the entire time. Eating every bite. Every time Wilbur would pull the fork Quackity's tongue would come with it or a string of saliva would connect it.

Wilbur sighed. "You gotta make it complicated huh?" He said looking at Quackity's food. Quackity smiled. "I have to, it's part of who I am." He said. Once he finished his food Wilbur helped him to the couch and went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

He heard soft snores come from the couch, indicating the shorter male fell asleep. He smiled to himself. And sat by him.

He soon fell asleep and leaned Quackity on him. They slept for a few hours. Wilbur woke up later to make dinner for when Quackity woke up.

While he was making it he felt arms snake around his waist. "Your meant to be sleeping" he said. He felt a head lean on his back. "I'm not tired, I slept all day." He said kissing Wilbur's back.

He put his hands up Wilbur's shirt. Wilbur sighed. "When your sick isn't the best time to do that." He said referring to the actions Quackity just tried to pull.

Quackity shrugged, "I do what I want." And he smiled, Wilbur was scared. "I don't like this part of you." He said lightly pushing Quackity off.

Quakcity giggled. "Your lucky those two came for lunch. I would have had you pinned yo that chair." Wilbur nodded. "I know"

Quackity groaned. "I hate when you know that" Wilbur chuckled again. After finishing dinner. He sat Quackity down, who moved to his lap once he sat down.

Quackity didn't eat though, he turned to where he faced Wilbur. Leaning his head in Wilbur's neck. Softly biting it. Leaving light purple marks.

Wilbur bit his lip, while he ate. "Quackity~" he moaned as he finished the last bite off his food. Putting it in the sink and getting rid of Quackity's food. Carrying Quackity to the room. Quackity now leaving darker marks as his strength was coming back. Causing Wilbur to stop.

"Quackity, oh fuck." He said as he managed to get to the room. Quackity was still sick but wasn't going to let Wilbur get a free day. He laid in bed his head against the headboard and Quackity sat on him. Kissing him.

Wilbur just sat there...doing nothing. He couldn't wait for the week to be over so he could fuck the life out of Quackity. Part of Quackity knew what was coming and he didn't want to believe it.

He soon fell asleep on Wilbur. Their lips still connected, Wilbur moved him to the side and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight" he heard a faint whisper from Quackity. He smiled, "goodnight love." And he fell asleep.

Another part done! I did it! And I'm now halfway done.

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