The Dream...Part 3

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so then....


-Serenity's POV-

They lead me to the tour bus. It's huge! the floors are black and glossy with red leather seats and the walls are black too but it has mirrors every couple inches. Man, they live the life!

They all talk to me for awhile, just about regular stuff (i.e. music)...then it gets quiet Niall is on his phone tweeting, Zayn is texting his girlfriend Perrie (so much for marrying him!), Liam is Skyping with Danielle, Louis is just on his phone doing I don't know what, then there's Harry I try to ignore the fact the he looks at me ALOT but I can't lie I look at him too but not as much...

Harry breaks the silence "Hey Serenity, want to see the rest of the tour bus?"

"umm yeah that'd be good" that'd be good? really Serenity...But yet again what was I suppose to say.

Harry smiles, he walks me through the small kitchen everything was made of wood, they had a lot, and I mean a lot of food! He offers me tea, (haha figures) but I feel queasy he makes me feel so nervous is he that gorgeous? apparently.

Then we reach the bed room... there was of course 5 beds all inside the wall if that makes sense...Harry points toward his bed "That one is mine" (the bottom right) "you can check it out if you want"

"okay." I say

I slide inside, he has the laptop turned on and I see he was on this website named wattpad reading a fan-fiction about himself...woah creepy. A picture I can't quite see it so I reach for's Taylor Swift but when I grab it, it split in half, He cut it.

All of a sudden Harry slides in the  bed...what the hell I think to myself what are you doing? I finally get the courage to speak.

"what are you doing?! let me out now."

"no." he smiles

"Listen I don't even know you" I go to push him off, but he grabs me holds me tight against his warm body and looks straight into my eyes...I can't help but turn red...

"Harry what are you-"

He kisses me slowly and passionately I feel the warmth of his lips against mine it's like there's no one else in the world but Harry and I.

I let go "no no no this can't happen i'm-i'm not ready for a relationship with a pop star!" I begin to cry, Harry gets off the bed.

"Serenity, please let me explain-"

I run, the bus was luckily parked and I storm off I don't even care where I'm gonna go as long as I'm not there. Do you know what would happen to me if I ever have a relationship with him! no you don't. This means the fandom would hate me, I'm not ready emotionally for something like this! I can already see the tweets, the threats everything.

I walk towards some steps leading to a house and sit, I grab my cellphone to call my mom when Harry is running towards me, I get up and run the other way, what's the deal? Why won't he leave me alone.

"Serenity listen to me!"

I stop walking and turn around just to see what he has to say.

"I feel something between us it's like, like a rope pulling me towards you, I don't care if we met today but you know you feel it too! I like you"

I still have tears running down my cheeks "Harry, I can't let this happen do you know how much hate I would get from the fandom! I'm not ready for this"

Harry's green eyes are determined I know he won't leave until I say I'll give it a "chance". Slowly he grabs my chin and makes me look into those glowing green eyes and says "I need you"

"I do too" I'm speechless.

"come back to the bus but I want one favor" he grabs both my hands and says "Stay with me a couple more days love" I see him doing the puppy dog face...I can't resist

"okay" I smile

He walks me back to the bus...the boys all stop what they are doing and have these worried faces. I almost want to giggle but I stop myself.

"I'm fine" I say while smiling weakly.

-Hours later-

I realize I fell asleep on the couch when I'm startled I open my eyes and Harry says "WE'RE HERE"

"where?" I rub my eyes everything is so blurry...

"New York City love!" he helps me up and gets me breakfast wow I thought he had people for that but apparently not.

"It's gonna be a long day so get ready"

I grab a simple flower patterned spring dress, and purple heels.

 "someone's looking beautiful" I turn around and it's none other than Harry

"Thanks you too well I mean you look cute!"

They all lead me to the backstage area and the rest of the boys but Harry go to rehearse quickly, he decides to stay with me...

We go into the Dressing Room It's not the best I mean compared to the bus it has clear white walls and a black carpet with a leather couch in the middle, in front of the couch is the flat screen TV to see what's happening on stage...All I see is fans pouring in the arena screaming "ONE DIRECTION!"

I make a lame excuse and say "umm I need to go to the bathroom" I'm pretty sure he noticed I was lying, I just needed a moment to myself. I mean it's a lot to take in...Just earlier today I was a regular girl helping a teacher...then I thought I was gonna die and now I'm the future girlfriend of Harry Styles (I still won't put the title as "Girlfriend"). Harry Knocks softly "love are you okay?".

"Yes" I sniffle

Harry just opens the door. So much for Privacy...

"What's wrong?"

"It's just a lot to take in that's it." I smile just looking at his dimples

"Don't worry It won't be a lot to take in" he smiles back and then he shuts the door.

I lean against the Bathroom wall and Harry places his body against mine...He kisses me slowly, softly it's like our bodies are two puzzle pieces they fit together. They were made for each other. He takes of his shirt...and let's just keep it simple..."The puzzle pieces fit"

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