SPECIAL 1 - Snow Dragon's Rise

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So uh these specia chapters are backstories and bonuses basically

Korina, while she seems pretty cold, has quite a bloody backstory...

Valora Korina, at age 10, was the daughter of a family that owns a ship company. She didn't want  to work in a shop- not at all. This girl was the one who beat up all the punks in the village and could beat practically everyone in only hand-to-hand combat.

She and her four friends, Kamino Sora, Kamino Rui, Roxan Morgan, and Aquago Lapis, were planning to escape on a boat for funsies.

That was until the village was attacked by bandits, right in the middle of their stealthy escape. Maybe pirates, maybe just stupid sailors, just somebody. And they were strong.

"Split up!" Korina, still so young, shouted at her new ship crew. Sora and Rui raced towards the dock where the ships were. Lapis ran towards the village square, while Morgan headed for the cliff. Just so you know lapis and rui are male, sora morgan and Korina are female

Korina herself went towards the forest by the village. Korina could hear something up ahead, and her curiousity took advantage and she headed towards it. Crouching in a bush, the child poked her head out. Gore warning

She could see one of the bandits, along with... Sora's mother. Sora's mother was more of a mother figure to Korina rather than her own, who was more of a strict but kind teacher.

The woman had snow white hair tied in a ponytail. Her eyes were even bluer than her daughter's. She was holding her kitchen knife that had made Korina hundreds of meals.

The woman was losing against the bandit, who held a true combat knife- glistening with blood. She shook as she watched the duel of villager versus well-trained bandit. Sora's mother landed many hits, more than any normal person should be able to, with almost flawless skill like when she taught Korina, and the bandit was staggering, but at last the weapon hit once too many, and she collapsed.

Korina screamed. She ran out of her hiding place, snatched the knife that had just witnessed death, and stabbed. Cannons sounded and fire spread. The child couldn't feel anything- not the heat, or the ash prickling against her skin. She could only feel the knife in her hand. She couldn't see the fire- only darkness and a target.

The weakened bandit was taken by surprise. Korina couldn't care less where she hit. She attacked until her rage cleared. The bandit was collapsed in a pool of blood.

She picked up the bandit's weapon ran. The knife was tucked safely in her small bag. Everyone she encountered were positively destroyed- whacked, cut, you name it. Eventually, she came across one of the ships of the bandits. It was a minor pirate crew. She clenched the bloodstained beacon-wand that Rui made and held it to the sky. 

Heavenly blue light sprouted from the object. Her friends, seeing it, hurried towards her without complications.

"Let's go." She said before anyone could speak. They hurried onto the deserted ship and set sail. Since it was a former pirate ship, food supplies were abundant. Sora was a doctor-in-training, Rui was a good craftsman, Morgan could cook some basic meals while Lapis had played on the water enough to understand navigation.

"Korina... what..." Sora started softly.

"Your mother's dead, Sora." Korina murmured, "Let's go. Become stronger. Come back someday."

They could survive, at least. Rui managed to pass as a short teenager and traded the sake on the ship for berries. Along with the ones already there, they managed to stock up on more items as they drifted.

Days became weeks. Eventually, the crew encountered an 'island'. It was actually earth piled on a extra-large floater. It was stable enough, so they docked (somehow) by it. It seemed like a pretty normal island. There was no path so they wandered into the normal forest.

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