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Also just wanna say Dressrosa arc probably won't happen (key word: probably) but the law alliance will happen because law is just that awesome

"Time travel?" Sora's eyes widened.

"Give us every detail, Rokuo." Korina demanded.

"When Time Travel was created, my family volunteered to test it. Also, at that time kids are strolling around like adults at the age of 3, thats how much intelligence we gained. We took a device that will turn into our return portal once we arrived. What sucks was, turns out it was justs too small too fit a person no matter what. We managed to communicate by passing notes through the time machine. My parents drowned when their floating shoes were out of battery- we forgot to switch the battery when we were trapped. Thankfully, this island where I am was already fully built and I survived by requesting materials from the future."

Even Korina took a moment to process the new information.

"Rokuo... do not let anyone else know this unless you are sure they can be trusted. With such technology in your hands, the world government will surely be after you." Korina commanded. Slightly rolling his eyes, Rokuo nodded.

After some catching up, the Sapphire Blink's crew decided to see how their ship was faring. The group approached the vast ship, bit larger than the Straw Hats' new ship, the Thousand Sunny.

"Hey! Are you that Snow Dragon crew Luffy was talking about?" Korina moved her eyes to the Thousand Sunny, where there was the Straw Hats' shipwright, Franky.

"That would be us, Cyborg Franky." Korina relied simply. Turning to her crew and ignoring the shipwright, she added, "Satsuna, repair and clean the ship. Tano, shopping duty. Akio, check the island for any news or threats."

"'K. What do I need?" Tano asked.

"More cooking utensils and tools and basic supplies... like, water and rice and bread and some veggies and meat and seasoning. Lots of soda and soy sauce, too. And salmon. And wooden and steel planks, nails, herbs... a lot more." Satsuna called from the ship, tossing a scroll of materials and money to Tano, who hurridly caught it.

"Dismissed." At their captain's word, Akio and Tano zoomed off and Satsuna ducked back into the ship. Meanwhile, the girl herself decided to make a visit to the bookstore.

Turns out, Akio spent two years writing adventure books inspired by his time with the Snow Dragons under an anonymous identity. Half the entire store was packed with the series.

A few hours later the Snow Dragons were back at Shakky's bar. A few Straw Hats dropped by but were gone quickly.

"We're heading to Solon Island next, right? We were planning to before we came here." Tano asked, sipping at his frappe.

"Yes. I heard there's a Poneglyph there too." Korina replied, looking through a pile of newspapers from the past two years.

"Oh, right, Korina, had you made any progress on that death crap?" Satsuna suddenly asked.

"Yes. I came up with new Reach Reach Fruit and Glacio techniques too. And named everything." Korina replied, casually waving her hands and summoning a chunk of ice with a faint but strong dark aura- the power of death, "I originally planned to hide the Dragon of Death stuff but somehow the Marines figured it out. Since there's only one in a millennium or something, they popped my bounty up to 700 000 000."

After their conversation, Korina went out to find the Straw Hats with Tano's disguise. She found Luffy, disguise out of the bag, yelling at a very bad Luffy cosplayer.

She sat on a nearby bench and watched the scene unfold. Once everything was dealt with both crews set off on their ships.

"Come to think of it, if we aren't going through Fishman Island, how'll we get to the New World?" Nami asked, her eyes fixed on her Log Pose.

"I have a Celestial Dragon friend who can help us." Korina replied, casually sitting on the railing. Wind blew through her now shorter hair.

"Oh, oka- wait... you have a WHAT?!" Nami blurted out.

"Celestial Dragon friend." The captain replied, "Her name's Cara. We're going to the hidden Solon Island first, though. We should be near."

"The Log Pose is pointing to the opposite direction, though..." Nami pointed out, squinting at her Pose and gazing at the island that appeared in the horizon.

"Solon Island has a curious magnetic field that compasses resist. Only a specially designed Eternal Pose can lead there. Also, yes, Tano is steering the Sapphire and yes, though we have our Log Pose auto-system everyone on the ship can navigate."

The navigator sighed as Korina delivered another one of her info dumps. They were nearing the island now. The crews could spot a dock which they were headed towards.

"Won't people chase away pirates?" Sanji, who had just come out of the kitchen with some cold lemonade, asked.

"This island, according to my information sources, is very poor and even- cursed. They would welcome anyone with enough power to save them." Korina replied, jumping off of the railing and sitting down beside it, sipping at her lemonade.

Once they docked, Sanji and Satsuna headed off to different stores. Robin began interrogating villagers on the Poneglyph the Snow Dragons informed her of. The remaining rested at a cafe.

"Are we really gonna go around asking 'Hey, wanna join us in taking down a not really nice guy who leads an army?" to everyone?" Zoro asked, yawning.

"The plan's to head to where the Poneglyph is in the place known as 'Cursed Land'. After we help the people they'll help us." Tano explained.

"Ah, I see. Mosshead here can't seem to understand." Sanji replied.

A few hours later everyone was ready. Stocked with supplies they, ignoring many villagers warnings, headed towards the plains with red dust.

Almost as soon as one of them- Luffy, in this case, set foot on the earth an eerie voice spoke. A wall of impenetrable fog appeared behind them.

"One has set foot on cursed land, seven days of hell begun, should at last day midnight one still stand, a path will open to run."


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