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Extra chapters are non canon and kinda like a fanfic of a this fanfic made by the me, this is a modern au

"Eighth year? You're 16!" Kamino Sora exclaimed, hanging around her friend Valora Korina and peeking at her phone. 

"Probably because of the extra twenty-something tests I took last year with A+'s." The girl replied. Korina was the genius of the school. Being a 16 year old, she was assigned to an eighth year class, which was two years higher than her age group. Idk how high skool stuff works so I made it up, also I condensed the ages a bit

Once they arrived at the famous Roger's Academy, the welcoming banquet was beginning. Korina took her seat among the 18-year-old Eighth Years while Sora went to sit with her fellow Year Six's, including the school's infamous gang, the 'Straw Hats'.

"Attention, students!" The principal, Principal Roger, called for attention, his bushy black mustache shining with mustache-y greatness, "Welcome to another year at Roger's Academy!"

After a somewhat inspirational speech they were given timetables and assigned dorms, which unfortunately had ten students, any gender and any year level.

Korina walked down the hallway, "Dorm 48... good, Sora's with me... there's the book club captain Nico-san... ugh, not Eustass and Trafalgar..." After reading her timetable and dorm info through, the girl headed towards dorm 48, since the first day had no classes.

"Hiya, Korina!" Sora ran up to her friend in the hallway.


"Huh? Give more of a reaction, will you!"


"At least speak more than one word!"

No reply.

At last, the two arrived at their dorm. The moment the door opened, chaos ensued. Trafalgar Law and Eustass Kid, both in their Seventh Year were in another one of their childish arguements. The Sixth Year Rebecca was studying furiously to make her aunt and dance teacher, Miss Viola, proud.

Eighth Year Book Club captain Nico Robin and Korina's semi-friend rival and vice captaij of the Cooking Club, the Seventh Year Akiro Satsuna were having a friendly debate. Vinsmoke Sanji was watching the girls.

The Honorary Straw Hat Sixth Year Nefertari Vivi was in the quieter corner, chatting with a member of the Straw Hat Gang Third Year Chopper, who coincidentally was part of the Medic Class like his roommate Law.

"Valora-chan!" Robin smiled once she noticed Korina. Satsuna waved at her as well. Robin used to be Korina's senior, but was now in the same grade as her.

"Hi." Korina replied shortly. She plopped down on the empty bed in a dark corner and buried herself in a book. It's time for another year at Roger's Academy.


Korina woke up at 5 AM to Sora booming rock music at max volume. Kid was yelling, but nobody could hear him over the music. Law was sitting on his bed with a scowl, while Vivi and Rebecca were nowhere to be found.

Korina caught a glance of Robin leaving the room. Satsuna was trying to converse with Sora, and Chopper was sound asleep, buried in a pile of blankets. Sanji was just sitting on his bed, covering his ears.

"Sora!" Korina yelled.

Nobody heard her. So naturally, the blue haired girl did the only thing that came to mind. She stormed over to Sora's bedside table and clicked off the music player.

"Finally!" Satsuna sighed in relief.

"Aw, we were just getting to the exciting part." Sora pouted.

"I hope you have insurance." Korina replied flatly. It took the room a solid minute to understand what Korina was implying. Without another word, Korina walked back to her bottom bunk and went back to sleep. Satsuna, Law, Kid and Sanji followed suit. Sora, meanwhile, had a look that clearly said 'I'm scheming something evil.'


7 o'clock, waking time. Korina's alarm buzzed like normal- or not quite. Instead of her sad ringtone, her alarm began playing rickroll music. It seems the other alarms were doing the same, as almost everyone had a sour look on their faces. Only Robin was absent- most likely doing some morning reading.

"Sora, what." Were the first words Korina said.

"Ehe~ revenge!" Sora laughed. She suddenly jumped up, opened the door and jolted just as Kid was about to start punching.

Korina hoped this won't turn into the new normal for her new school year.

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