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"Not over there." Korina called, disabling her Observations Haki.

"Not here either." Sanji reported from the group's camp in the Cursed Lands.

"Can't find 'im." Satsuna told them.

Who were the Snow Dragons' and Straw Hats' (plus Ember, who was asleep, and Law, who was doing nothing) looking for in the middle of the night? Luffy, of course. Luffy had gone missing when they had found Arianna D. Ember in an abandoned lab.

"Guys! I smell something!" Chopper suddenly cried.

"I've had enough for today. You guys go." Satsuna yawned. In the end, only Chopper went, along with Sanji, who was assigned to make sure Luffy didn't do anything stupid and Korina, who was meant to keep and eye on things really wanted to stab something.

"It's this way." Chopper shouted from up ahead in full reindeer form.

Sanji ran after Chopper, with Korina casuallt strolling behind. She turned on Observation Haki and looked around for a moment.

"Guys! Here!" Chopper moved faster than humans as a reindeer, so he had already made his way much farther.

"Coming!" Sanji shouted back, running towards the direction. Korina summoned herself a little skateboard out of ice and zoomed behind.

Sanji and Korina arrived to sandal footprints, the corpse of some random animal, bones and the smell of fire. One could guess what happened.

Korina once more activated Observation Haki and looked around.

"No sign of him." She reported with a sigh, "Where the hell is that guy?"

The three walked around in silence. Luffy had went missing quite a while ago so he perfectly well could be somewhere far. The only thing they knew was Luffy was definitely still stuck in the Cursed Lands as the white mist was still visible in the dark skies in the distance.


"What was that." Korina froze, warily looking around.

"What are you talking about?" Sanji asked, tilting his head, "Chopper, you hear anything?"

The reindeer nodded, "Yeah. It's really quiet but it's there. A sound... like a beat?"


"I hear it too..!" Sanji gasped. The sound continued, growing stronger by second and the sky fading into a dark night didn't help. In the end, they decided to rest and look for Luffy in the morning.

They left a trail and headed back towards the camp. As they neared, a familiar voice caught Sanji's attention.


"Nami-sam." He realized.

"Stay rational, you tw-" Korina began, only to find her allies racing straight into the camp. With a sigh, the blue-haired girl conjured a slab of ice and floated to above the camp. She spotted their foe- a large, pitch black dragon with scarlet eyes.

It resembled an Eastern dragon but with wings, looming at the size of two Thousand Sunny's. Nami, Brook and Usopp were running around in a panic. Zoro, Satsuna, and Law were facing down the beast while Robin and Tano were transporting the sleeping Ember away.

Chopper in Kung-Fu point and Sanji leaped into the chaos. The dragon, overwhelmed, breathed out ray of dark mist.

"Don't move!" Korina yelled, diving down and shielding those in the ray's path with a barrier of ice, "You must not get hit by that at any cost!"

Her usually somewhat sturdy ice melted away on the spot.

"Eh?! What is that thing?!" Satsuna yelled, retrieving her knife and replacing it with her metallic hands.

Korina hopped onto the ground, "I think I know."

While the ones who were previously fighting leaped back into action, holding off the dragon, the remaining turned towards Korina. She closed her eyes.

"I remember, during those two years I visited several sources on the Dragon of Death and the Phoenix of Life." She explained calmly, "This is the physical embodiment of 'death', or rather, inexistence. This is the Conquerer of Existence, the Death Dragon."

"That's overdramatic." Robin pointed out.

"I know." Korina nodded, "Give me a moment. I may be able to handle it."

Back with the fight, Satsuna and Zoro managed to clamber onto the Conquerer of Existence's back, and were making their way to the head. Sanji and Chopper stood on the ground, delivering a few good strikes whenever it attempted to attack. Law teleported random objects around, hitting the dragon's dark colored scales.

"We need backup!" Chopper yelled as CoE (I shortened the dragon's name) shook him off.

"Gotcha!" Tano whipped out his silvery spear and leaped into the fray. Despite not usually being the fighter, he did well slashing at his foe's claws.

Korina stood at the side, a black light slowly gathering in her palm. As the charging finished, the blue haired girl held out her arms and a thin black string flew from the light.

Chopper yelped as he dodged a string. It hit CoE and began extending, trapping the dragon within the dark binds.

Finally, in a flash of black, the dragon suddenly vanished.

"Nice job, Korina!" Nami shouted from her spot behind a rock.

"I'll deal with it later. It's fine now." Korina replied. She tugged at the strings of dark matter and they returned into a small sphere. Everyone slowly settled down back to sleep.


The silvery moonlight now covered the once blistering red sand of the Cursed Sands. Korina sat in front of the tents, keeping watch for more legendary scary special death dragons and other dangers.


It was Ember. Her raven hair was still messy though the girl had changed out of her hundreds of years old lab coat into a cleaner one. The girl's eyes were bright yellow, though still a bit disoriented.

"Yes?" Korina replied simply.

"Korina-san, Tano-san filled me up on what was going on." Ember began, "I heard the Straw Bat Pirates and your crew are searching for Poneglyphs?"

Korina eyed the girl suspiciously, but decided she had no bad intentions, "Among other things, yes. Also, it's Straw Hat, not Straw Bat."

"Ah, right." Ember nodded sleepily:

The Snow Dragon captain nodded her head for the 19-year-old to continue. Ember nodded, "My purpose in this time... is to help people learn about our history... I would like to join your crew and... help your alliance."

"Very well."

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