'Fox hunting'

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Nine POV:

I woke up pretty early, i made my way to the living room to check on Sonic, and he was still asleep. I quickly put some waffles in my waffle maker and sat down to work a bit. I'd been studying this 'Rusty Rose' Sonic saw, which obviously was Amy, I tried figuring out how everything happend, but it was ultimately useless to get Chaos council information.

I went over to Sonic, quickly adjusted his blanket since he moves in his sleep, before going to get the waffles. I took the four off the 'maker, and put them inside tin-foil so the heat wouldn't escape. I heard a rustle coming from Sonic has he turned and spoke in his sleep, i quickly wrote little note;

"Hey Sonic, I'll be out a bit.

I made you Waffles, there's already jam in the fridge,

I'll try to be back as soon as possible!

Love, 'Tails'."

I placed it down on the coffe table by Sonic, before heading out.

I used my mechanical tails to grab onto buildings and look around, i knew the chances of finding Amy were slim, but i needed to atleast know if there was a way to return her back to normal.

I then noticed some sort of pink-hedgehog around the corner, seemingly scanning around. I got closer, jumping down from the building and hiding a few meters away. She seemed done scanning as she kept moving, but i didn't have any useful information yet so i kept following her.

She stopped before turning around, i quickly hid behind an Alley wall, hoping she didn't notice me, she thankfully didn't as she kept moving. I heard a faint;

"Scanning for Traces of Super Speed."

Super Speed? Is she looking for Sonic?

i pulled out my pocket screen, noting down that she's apparantly looking for some sort of speed, i needed this infromation incase it was really Sonic she was looking for, and he may be in danger if it's not taken seriously.

While noting i didn't notic her approaching me.

Her cyborg arm stretched out of me, holding me by the neck against the wall of the Alley i was hiding in. "Found you." Her robotic voice echoed through the emptiness of the Alley. "Ghk-!" I felt her hand put slight pressure on my neck as i tried clawing at her arm with my Tails, but her arm seemed made of super strong metal. "What are you here for, Fox?"

I held onto her hand as i kicked my legs, trying to break free. "W-what are you looking for!" I somehow got words out of my restircted lungs, as she simply tilted her head at me emotionlessly. "Classified Information, Do you have information on this subject? If we trade information, i may spare your life."

I nodded quickly, i needed all infromation i could get, and to get out of this situation.

She dropped me as i hacked for air, regaining my breath as she simply stood there waiting for me, i managed to get up on my feet. "If i tell you what i'm looking for, will you be a good citizen and share your information on it?" The word 'it' caught my attention, it may not be Sonic after all. I still nodded, as i needed to know if this may be helpful.

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