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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter Thirty-Six Harvesting the Heart of the Palace Master (6)

    After tossing in the kitchen for half an hour, it was getting dark outside. Zhou Tan brought out a few dishes, then went upstairs to call the Palace Master for dinner.

    After dinner, Zhou Tan had a flash of inspiration and remembered the three wild eggs in the kitchen pot. He took it out and peeled it in front of the palace lord. It was warm, white and tender, and then handed it to the palace lord: "You eat." The palace lord was a big foodie,

    seeing the white and tender eggs, he really had an appetite, so he ate three of them in a row. .

    After eating three weeks, Zhou Yan didn't bring any more. The palace master frowned: "No more?" The wild eggs were too small, and three were too few.

    "I only found a litter of three, and it's gone." Seeing that he loves to eat, Zhou Tan quickly said, "I'll go and have a look tomorrow, and come back with a few more litters." Since the palace lord loves to eat eggs, there's no reason to be dissatisfied. .

    The palace lord didn't say anything after hearing the words, and later drank a cup of tea made by Zhou Jing and said, "Serve the deity to take a bath." "

    Yes." Zhou Jing just went back to the kitchen to fetch water after washing the dishes.

    There is also a clean room on the first floor, which is just behind the bamboo building by the water, and the scenery is very good. Looking from the window, green water and green mountains, bamboo swaying.

    This is really a good scene for something to happen, Zhou Shao said with emotion.

    "Come here and undress the deity." Nie Xiang stood behind the screen, with his back facing Zhou Qian and spreading his hands.

    "Yes." Zhou Tan stepped forward and quickly undressed the Palace Mistress. Outer robe, inner shirt, and finally only a pair of snow-white underpants. Zhou Yan went to the front, untied the belt of the palace lord, and pulled it down to the end, revealing the two long legs of the palace lord. He was suddenly curious, did anyone serve the palace lord like this before?

    When he came back to his senses, the palace lord had already entered the tub, frowned and complained: "This tub is too small."

    Zhou Yan complained silently, of course it couldn't be compared with the pool in Miracle Doctor Valley: "I'll wipe my back for the palace lord. "He walked over to the tub, picked up a cotton bath towel, and bathed the Palace Master.

    Probably because Zhou Yi is also very talented in helping people take a bath, the Palace Master does not reject it at all, and is very cooperative. For a while, he raised his arms: "Here." For a while, he raised his neck: "Here."

    Zhou Tan felt that he saw a cat, and he was bathing the cat.

    So he thought something was going to happen, but it turned out to be very simple from beginning to end, just the warm atmosphere of the owner helping the pet to bathe, there was no ambiguity at all.

    When waiting for the palace lord to put on his clothes, the palace lord said: "Go take a bath, and come up to serve after you take a bath."

    Zhou Yan nodded calmly. Although his script was not written in this way, it is no problem to hit home base: "I know Already, Palace Mistress."

    When taking a bath next time, it was inevitable that he would get hurt later, so Zhou Yan deliberately stretched his back for himself.

    As he worked himself to the point where his knees went weak, he wondered why he was so familiar, as if he did it all the time.

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