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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 46: Hugs of Love to Junior Brother (5)

    It stands to reason that no one knows about raising ghosts except Qin Li himself. Even the Taoist priest who taught him how to raise ghosts had died three years ago.

    Qin Li couldn't figure it out and was extremely worried. When Zhou Yan brought the tea, he said directly: "Master, I heard that you took Xiang'er over, but is it true?

    " Li: "Yeah, didn't you say you want me to persuade the younger brother? I think the younger brother's life is really absurd, so I decided to keep him by my side, so as to restrain him." Seeing his dissatisfaction, Qin Li thought it was against him

    . Qin Xiang, those doubts just now gradually disappeared. That's right, his eldest disciple is the most upright, and he definitely doesn't like Qin Xiang's kind of character.

    "That's fine, Xiang'er is ignorant, and it's thanks to you." Qin Li smiled at Zhou Yan. If Zhou Yan hadn't known his place, he might not be able to tell if he was real or not. Installed.

    "Master, I'm serious. Qin Xiang is your son and my junior brother. I should take care of him." Don't worry, scumbag father, I will definitely raise your son to be white and fat, hehe: "Since the master is here Do you want to see Junior Brother?"     Qin Li's expression froze immediately, he thought of Qin Xiang's dignified face, shook his head and said, "No need, I'm afraid he doesn't want to see me." Then he said, "You will take care of me." He, being a teacher is very reassuring." It is best not to die in the future, otherwise he will not be able to explain it.     Those dead disciples, their families came to ask for justice, Qin Li has always tried his best to appease them. Otherwise, what else can I do, and I can't really hand over Qin Xiang.     "Master, don't worry, I will definitely restrain my junior." Zhou Yan said bluntly, since he knew Qin Li's attitude towards Qin Xiang, he could stabilize Qin Li by saying this.     "That's good." Qin Li was really relieved, he thought it was good, finally someone could control Qin Xiang's behavior. Due to various unspeakable reasons, Qin Li would not even want to see Qin Xiang, let alone meddle in his affairs. It's not that no one was sent to control them, but they were all killed by Qin Xiang.     The master and the apprentice talked for a long time, and got Zhou Yan's reassurance, and Qin Li left satisfied.

    "Scum!" Zhou Yan spat at his back.

    Why Qin Xiang doesn't want to see him, it's obviously because he has a guilty conscience and dare not see Qin Xiang, ╭(╯^╰)╮Zhou Dan is

    afraid that Qin Xiang will get into trouble by himself, so he hurried in to appease him. Seeing Qin Xiang sitting on the bed obediently, he walked over and said, "Don't pay attention to him, you just don't have this father." He probably heard what he said just now.

    Qin Xiang was a little surprised, because Zhou Yan said Qin Li like that, he whispered: "What do you know?

    " I know everything about your background and why you became like this."

    "Who told you?" Qin Xiang looked at him quietly, his eyes began to penetrate again.

    "It's not important." Zhou Yan sat down, held his hand and said, "I won't hurt you, I'm here to help you." He originally planned to wait a few days to talk about it, but now that the atmosphere is right, he simply Said: "I have a way to remove the blood sacrifice on your body, but after the removal, the blood sacrifice will be borne by Qin Li, what do you think, do you hope he is like you?" Maybe Qin Xiang still has feelings for Qin Li,

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