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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 68 Return of Hell in the End Times (14)

    After a day of training, the three walked back to the apartment hungry. As soon as I got downstairs, I smelled a burst of fragrance. It must be something delicious that Zhou Yan made again. Others don't bother to fiddle with it, and only the young master Zhou Li, who doesn't worry about food and drink, has so many tricks.

    "It smells so good." Ye Siyu sniffed and said, wishing he could fly up immediately.

    "That's all you have to offer." Yin Shaoqing despises his own wife, for a bite to eat, this guy wanders around behind Zhou Yan like a tail every day.

    Ye Siyu said: "Don't eat if you have the ability."

    Besides them, the family of three at the door suffered even more. Han Jun hadn't eaten enough for two days, and smelling the aroma of the food, his stomach protested seriously, and he said unbearably, "Dad, let's slam the door in!"

    Han Yu is not hungry. Once he became a down-and-out refugee, but now he still has to face this kind of embarrassment, he stopped his son with complicated emotions: "Well, let's talk about it when your elder brother comes back." I heard that Han Xiang is now the president, it must be very powerful , he didn't want to offend his son.

    "Dad! Why are you so timid? He is your son, and it's only right for him to raise you!" Han Jun said bitterly. He just couldn't understand his father's current posture.

    Xiao Limei said: "My son is right. You are his father, and it is only right for him to raise you. Besides, you have raised him for so many years, and you have not treated him badly. If he dares not to raise you, he is not afraid of being poked in the back." What people of status and status are most afraid of is of course the most afraid of losing face. As long as Han Xiang dares to treat them badly, she dares to go out and smear his reputation.

    Standing in the corridor, Han Xiang heard the words of the father and son from a long distance away. He walked up step by step and took up their conversation, "You are right, I have to take care of my son." Scared the three of them enough.

    Under the terrified eyes of the three members of Han Yu's family, Han Xiang stood in front of them and said, "But the law doesn't stipulate that I have to raise a stepmother, and I have to raise the offspring of my stepmother." Xiao Limei said tremblingly:

    " He's your younger brother, how can you talk like that? Do you still have a conscience?" It's fine if Han Xiang doesn't want to support her, anyway, when her husband and son's life gets better, she won't be too bad. But Han Xiang has to support her son, Han Jun is Han Xiang's real brother!

    "My mother died early, and I don't have a younger brother." Han Xiang didn't want to talk to Xiao Limei very much, so she said to Han Yu: "I give you two choices, one is to sever ties with them, and I will support you until you grow old. One is to take care of you. Let them get the hell out and don't appear in front of me again."

    As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Han Yu to see what he would choose.

    "Husband, you won't leave our mother and son behind, will you?" Xiao Limei was scared, and quickly hugged Han Yu's arm and didn't let go. She was really afraid that Han Yu would ignore them.

    Han Yu couldn't bear to see the terrified eyes of his wife and children. He comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone." After all, it was his wife and children: "Han Xiang, you are capable now, Dad doesn't ask you anything, just please don't resent your brother and your Aunt Xiao, okay?"

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