Reality 01 Strategies for Boyfriends with Snake Syndrome

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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 70 Reality 01 Strategies for Boyfriends with Snake Syndrome

    "Han Xiang...Han Xiang!" Zhou Yan woke up abruptly, the surroundings were completely silent, there was no big bang or the end of the world. He returned to the chaotic space again, and there was nothing around him.

    But this time, he came back not peacefully. The intense emotion still lingered at the last moment before death, the body seemed to still be in bursting pain, and Yiyue still remembered Han Xiang's temperature in his arms.

    Yes, how is Han Xiang?

    "Is he okay?" Zhou Tan asked with a lonely expression, his heart ached.

    "He's fine, he died in that world, but your mission failed." Afu said grumpily: "Actually, it's been a long time, after you left...he ruined everything." Only himself was left A life to commemorate him.

    "Did you fail? Why... didn't you send me back to continue..." Hearing that the moment he heard about himself was Han Xiang's whole life, Zhou Yan was stunned, did he miss it like this? Is Ah Fu joking with him? The task is so important, how can you give up so easily, and don't continue!

    "This is the last mission. If you failed, there is no need to do it again."

    "So?" Zhou Yan asked, with an inexplicable anger surging in his heart, which he couldn't suppress no matter what. He felt that he had been tricked and put together. But exactly how he played tricks on him, I can't say.

    "Extract your mission memory and send you back to the real world. But don't worry, the due rewards and rewards will not be deducted..." "You said before that you

    would return the memory to me!" Zhou Yan clenched his fists, He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he just couldn't control his anger.

    "I'm sorry, it's not up to me to decide..." Ah Fu said sadly. Before Zhou Yan said the next sentence, he extracted Zhou Zhen's last memory. Content.

    "I'm sorry, Young Master Zhou, just forget about them."


    Zhou Tan felt that he had had a long, long dream. After waking up, his heart was a little empty, because he couldn't remember what he had dreamed. I just remember that it was a bad dream, sometimes I was very happy, but in the end I was very sad, and he was woken up by sadness when it was almost dawn.

    Unable to figure out what it was, he stroked his hair and got up to turn on the water.

    While brushing his teeth, the phone vibrated on the bedside table, Zhou Tan ignored it, but slowly shaved the fine stubble on his chin, washed his face carefully, and then went out to make a call.

    "Young Master Zhou, happy birthday! I'm sorry, I was out of town last night in a hurry, so I didn't have time to attend your birthday party." A tired friend Luo Xiao's voice came from the phone: "But I've already prepared the gift. Here you are."     "As long as you have the heart, I don't know. You have a good rest and talk about it when you come back." Zhou Yan and Luo Xiao ended the call, and then remembered vaguely that last night was his birthday party, and this is his home. hotel room. It must have been drunk last night, so I didn't go home, so I stayed here overnight.     He struggled to brush his hair, but he didn't know what he was struggling with. Obviously nothing happened, but when he woke up, it seemed like a century had passed, and he became no longer like himself.     With this inexplicable emotion, Zhou Yan left the room, ready to go downstairs to have breakfast.     "Ding..." The elevator door opened in front of him, and Zhou Yan found a customer in the elevator, standing in the corner with his head bowed. At the first glance, Zhou Yan found that the guest seemed very uncomfortable. He also looked a little weird, about twenty years old, wearing a dusty suit that was obviously ill-fitting, but the pants underneath couldn't tell what type it was, "Hello, sir, do you need help?" Zhou Qian walked away Go in and ask a little worried.     The guest heard Zhou Yan's voice, reacted very slowly, and looked up at Zhou Yan. He looked sleepy, his eyelids were drooping, and his eyes were dull.

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