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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 45: A Hug of Love to Junior and Brother (4)

    Zhou Yan came in with dumplings and pumpkin cakes, and seeing Qin Xiang eating honestly, he suddenly felt relieved that his little boy had become sensible.

    This is the feeling of wool...

    "Dumplings, pumpkin pie, eat." Putting down the things, Zhou Yan and him eliminated these breakfasts together.

    Although he was concentrating on feeding himself, he kept paying attention to what Qin Xiang ate, and found that he liked all kinds of vegetable porridge, and he liked corn dumplings more than pumpkin pie, but pumpkin pie didn't bother him either.

    Zhou Yan smiled and picked a dumpling for him: "I like to eat this too, shall we eat this again tomorrow morning?"

    Qin Xiang ate the dumpling he picked up and nodded silently.

    "You're too skinny, eat more, and try to gain ten catties within a month." Zhou Yan looked at his fingers holding the chopsticks, it's really... a dog, why is it so distressing? Is it because he is too miserable or is it himself? too kind?

    Two quarters of an hour later, Qin Xiang put down his chopsticks.

    "Aren't you going to eat? There are also dumplings." Zhou Yan thought about it silently. Qin Xiang had a total of three bowls of vegetable porridge, twenty corn dumplings, and five pieces of pumpkin pie. It’s not like he didn’t know, but when he was taken aback, he immediately changed his words: "Okay, then I won’t eat, go have a cup of tea to relieve the tiredness, and I will go back there with you to have a look."

    Zhou Yan got up and cleared the table, obviously He had never done these housework before, but he had the illusion that he was familiar with the road. So I felt a little embarrassed, this young master is indeed omnipotent.

    After washing the dishes, he asked Qin Xiang, "I left in a hurry this morning. I don't know if you have anything to pack. Let's get it back." After all, it was the place where Qin Xiang had lived for many years. Two things cannot be discarded.

    "No." The dilapidated house has no meaning to Qin Xiang, it's just that he has no place to go except there. In name, he is the young owner of Lihuozhuang Village. Who would know that he doesn't even have a better place to live.

    He stopped asking when he heard that there was no Zhou Qian, he walked over and sighed: "Then you go to my bed and rest, I will go to the housekeeper to get you something." Seeing Qin Xiang go to bed, Zhou Yan put down the curtain for him

    , Only then can I go out with peace of mind.

    After he walks down this way, Qin Li will soon know that Qin Xiang lives with him. But that's good too, if you talk about it, Qin Xiang can live in Feiyixuan openly.

    When Zhou Tan came back, he met the young man who came to deliver the talents. Since he came back, he had greeted the big kitchen. From then on, he started the fire himself, and just sent fresh vegetables for three meals a day.

    He is Qin Li's favorite disciple, and he is also a big brother. Naturally, the people in the big kitchen dare not neglect him. The ingredients sent to him today are all the best.

    "Thank you for your hard work." The elder brother said to the younger brother who brought the food with a satisfied smile.

    "Eldest brother, you are too polite. The kitchen knows what you want, so it always chooses the best." The little brother also shouted with the disciples, logically speaking, this is against the rules.

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