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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 65 Return from Hell of the End Times (11)

    "Why can't I be confident when a third-level supernatural being is against a second-level supernatural being?" Han Xiao said proudly about his supernatural power level. He thought that Han Xiang would be surprised when he heard this, but Han Xiang didn't reveal anything. The expression he wanted.

    Instead, Han Xiang smiled strangely: "Really, then do it." Which idiot told Han Xiao that he has a second-level ability?

    After finishing speaking, Han Xiang attacked Han Xiao. The simplest ice blade opened the prelude to the battle.

    Han Xiao's unique skill is metal covering. He can transform his skin into metal. With the increase of his ability level, he can even achieve the effect of copper skin and iron bone. But it's a pity that he is only a second-level ability user at present, at most he can prevent the zombies from scratching their teeth.

    "Copper skin and iron bones!" With two ding dings, Han Xiao blocked Han Xiang's ice blade, and he laughed complacently: "What else is there, use it!" He thought, Han Xiang only had that kind of strength !

    "Okay, I'll let you taste the ice and ice." Han Xiang is a fourth-level supernatural power user, and his ice and ice can spread to a radius of two meters. Today, it seemed easy to freeze Han Xiao alone.

    Han Xiao still used copper skin and iron bones to block it as before, but this time he felt cold all over, and he was quickly frozen.

    Looking at the stiff statue, the onlookers laughed. Laughing at a stunned young man who is overconfident, how confident he is that he dares to challenge the president as soon as he comes. I didn't inquire about it before I came, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen into this situation.

    Someone worried and said: "President, will he die like this?"

    Han Xiang shook his head, he would not let Han Xiao die so soon, raised his hand to withdraw some ice breath, Han Xiao can use five senses: "Han Xiao, I It’s a fourth-level power user, did anyone outside tell you?”

    Han Xiao opened his eyes wide, angry and ashamed, the face he valued the most was completely lost in the power user’s guild today: “Han Xiang, let me go !"

    "You are the one who challenged me, why do you just let go?" Han Xiang looked at him with folded arms, making Han Xiao feel like a clown.

    He gritted his teeth and said, "Then what do you want?" He couldn't be frozen like this forever.

    "Apologize to me, say you are blind, you are wrong." Han Xiang showed a nasty smile.     Even though Han Xiao is a person who can stretch and bend, he feels very embarrassed at this moment. He said in disbelief

    : "Han Xiang, we used to be brothers, do you insist on driving me to a dead end?"

Who drove that to a dead end: "You will also say it was once, and since it was once, then say it is not now."

    Han Xiao would really be disgusting, "You are doing this to me because Xu Yuan likes me?" But what can I do? You often treat Xu Yuan badly, so she will naturally like others. It’s not that I haven’t persuaded you, it’s because you don’t listen to others’ persuasion.” “How can you persuade me to sleep with Xu

    Yuan "Han Xiang said indifferently: "I hate you and it has nothing to do with Xu Yuan, she is just a vulgar woman who is not worthy of my second glance, I have never looked at her directly. As for you, do you know why I hate you?"

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