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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
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Chapter 26 I gave birth to a monkey for the prince (9)

    During this period, Zhou     Yi wanted to stop him, but Ah Fu reminded him: "What's the use of you, your son will be separated from you sooner or later, unless you don't want to leave the palace, otherwise it is the fate of separation." You are right, as long as he still wants to leave the palace, he will be separated from his son. Unless he wants to stay. But sacrificing the rest of his life for the sake of his children was too heavy a price.

    This choice is too difficult, too disgusting, and unbearable.

    So Zhou Yan began to complain about King Xiang again, if it wasn't for King Xiang, he wouldn't have to.

    Eunuch Xu carried his son back to the main hall of Prince Xiang to return to his command, followed by a group of nurses and servants who waited on him: "Go back to my lord, the slave has brought my son here." King Xiang looked at his son in the hands of the nanny, and felt a burst of emotion

    . Feeling sorry for a while, because the child's father was arguing with him.

    "How is he?" He took the child away and made trouble again. It must be, just the temper.

    "Go back to the prince, my son, he is very reluctant to part with his son." Eunuch Xu said carefully, while observing the prince's expression.

    "Hmph, since you're reluctant, don't mention that idea." King Xiang didn't want to say leave at all.

    "My lord also said that he wants to see you and has something to say to you." Eunuch Xu was not too angry when he saw the lord, but he still loves him after all. Eunuch Xu also hoped that they would reconcile.

    Hearing that Zhou Yan wanted to see him, King Xiang's expression softened a bit, and he said to Xu Defang: "What do you think he really wants? How could he have that kind of thought? Is this king not good enough for him?" Eunuch Xu blushed: "My     lord Don't worry too much, you are very kind to your son." It couldn't be better, ordinary men don't necessarily love their regular wives so much, not to mention the different identities of princes.     "Then why do you say that he is just ignorant?" King Xiang was frightened by the trouble, and Zhou Yan's determination was vividly remembered.

    "Um, this slave doesn't dare to talk nonsense, but according to this slave, the young master just lost his mind for a while, because he just gave birth to his son, and he was stimulated by hearing that the prince is going to marry the princess." Eunuch Xu said as lightly as possible, Although he thought so in his heart.

    "You're right, this king thinks so too." King Xiang finally felt relieved, and then said tolerantly: "This king is going to visit him, you take good care of your son." He thought to himself, if Zhou Yi is willing If he admits his mistake, he will return the eldest son to Zhou Yi.

    Zhou Yan moved back and forth in the room, looking very leisurely, but actually felt extremely uncomfortable. Because he has just made a decision that he will not leave the palace for the sake of his son, but he refuses to maintain a relationship with King Xiang, so let him be an invisible person in the palace in the future. The premise is that King Xiang is willing to return his son to him, otherwise he will never compromise!

    When someone outside the door notified that the lord was coming, Zhou Li cheered up and picked up Fan Er, who was so professional.

    "I heard that you want to see the king?" King Xiang really wanted to see something from Zhou Yan's face, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything.

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