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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 56 Return from Hell in the End Times (2)

    Downtown shopping malls, fashion clothing district.

    The people in the space looked about 20 years old, and they were about a head shorter than him. Han Xiang calculated in his heart, and quickly took Zhou Yi's jacket and pants.

    Only these two items are not enough, Zhou Yan said: "Underwear."

    Han Xiang paused, and brought him a pair of underwear...

    "Is it right? Why didn't you ask me the size?" Zhou Yan took it over and looked at it. Look, such a gesture on the body really suits him, he said: "Thank you."

    After Zhou Yan put on his clothes, he said: "Let me out." It's uncomfortable to stay in the space, but keep your feet on the ground more suitable.

    Han Xiang thought about it for a while and said, "Don't come out for now, you stay in the space."

    Zhou Yan asked suspiciously, "Why?"

    Han Xiang said, "You basically know about me, I can't let Han go Xiao and Xu Yuan." Having said this, his eyes darkened, "You should hide first, it's not the time for you to show up."

    Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, and understood Han Xiang's meaning: "That's okay, I'll be your stab in the back, and help you hurt others when necessary."

    He thought it was humorous, but Han Xiang didn't smile at all: "The end of the world is not as simple as you think, I hope you don't hold me back "

    These words were really direct, Zhou Yan said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not as useless as you imagined." The

    mobile phone in Han Xiang's trouser pocket rang, and he took it out, and it was Han Xiao.

    After a while he didn't answer, Zhou Yan said, "Why didn't you answer?" The two are enemies, but they haven't broken their faces yet, so it's unreasonable not to answer Han Xiao's call.

    Han Xiang picked it up: "What's the matter?"

    Han Xiao froze for a moment on the phone, is Han Xiang in a bad mood? He spoke in a strangely cold manner, and he said jokingly, "We're having a party at a teahouse, come over, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

    Han Xiang said, "I don't want to go."

    Han Xiaohe laughed: "Xu Yuan is here too, she misses you."

    Han Xiang was a little disgusted with these two people, but still did not refuse: "Okay, I'll come over later." After hanging up the phone, he stopped by the side of the road A taxi, "Master, go to Yihu Tea House."

    "Han Xiao asked you out?" Zhou Yan folded the quilt and sat under his buttocks like a chair.


    "Seriously, buy me a house. I can't sleep on the floor." There is nothing in this space, so it's not easy to live in. Han Xiang let him live in the space, so he had to make the nest more comfortable.

    Han Xiang said: "I have no money."

    He did not lie, the grand prince of the Han Group, but he really has no money.

    Thinking of Han Xiang's background and encounters, Zhou Tan's face changed slightly, feeling extremely aggrieved. Han Xiang's background is not bad, but he has a powerful stepmother and a younger brother who is the same age as him. This is really a vulgar family ethics drama, and it just happened to Han Xiang.

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