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Quick Transmigration: Action of Happiness
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 59 Return from Hell in the End Times (5)

    So it was decided, and after watching Yin Shaoqing and Ye Siyu leave, Han Xiang found a car by himself and drove to the downtown shopping mall. Encountered many zombies along the way, all of them were crushed directly. By the time they got to the city center building, the car was already crooked and out of shape.

    As soon as he entered the door, a group of zombies rushed up. Han Xiang carried a gun and shot around. After solving the zombies, start collecting supplies. The first floor is a counter for clothing, jewelry, etc. He threw it into the space when he saw it was convenient, and then went directly to the supermarket on the second floor.

    There were fewer zombies on the second floor. When Han Xiang finished dealing with those zombies, the people hiding in the dark breathed a sigh of relief.

    Someone said: "That guy looks very powerful, why don't we go out with him?" The

    timid person said: "He has a gun, who knows if he is a good guy."

    Han Xiang ignored these people, he went straight to the In front of the shelves, there was no one around to search. These are all free of money, don’t do it for nothing. There are also frozen meat in the warehouse, all of which are stored in the space.

    When he went downstairs, he was followed by a bunch of tails, and he neither stopped nor took special care of them. If you want to follow, you want to follow. It is their ability to keep up. If you can't keep up, you can't blame anyone if you die. In this cannibalistic doomsday era, only by yourself can you truly live.

    Those people thought that Han Xiang was going out, but Han Xiang didn't leave when he got to the first floor. They didn't dare to open the door rashly if they wanted to leave.

    A man said to his girlfriend: "Xiao Juan, go over and ask him if he can go."

    Xiao Juan hesitated for a moment, then walked over coyly and said to Han Xiang: "Little handsome guy, can you go? How about we go out together?"

    Han Xiangli ignored her, but continued to walk forward. It was still some time before dawn, so he went out to search for more supplies.

    The man and the others followed behind Han Xiang, while secretly asking his girlfriend: "What did you tell him, why is he so obedient?" It looked like his girlfriend was cheating.

    Xiaojuan said angrily, "I didn't say anything, I just asked him if he could go."

    The man didn't believe it, and his face was displeased. Han Xiang is more handsome than him, more capable than him, women like this. Especially at this time, it is more attractive to women.

    Zhou Yan shook his ears, and accidentally met another scumbag, he sighed and said, "Girls, you need to keep your eyes open when looking for a boyfriend."

    Han Xiang is not interested in these things, but the people in the space have been holding back for long enough , he said: "Do you want to come out?"

    Did he really ask or just wanted to see a joke? Zhou Yan shook his head and said, "You can play by yourself, it's not time for me to appear on stage yet." Zombies all over the world are dirty and disgusting, and there is no room for comfort. He had already forgotten that a few days ago he complained that Han Xiang wouldn't let him out for a walk.

    Han Xiang smiled without forcing it.

    After going out, zombies came upon hearing the news. Han Xiang would only deal with the zombies that threatened him within the range. As for the group of people behind him, he didn't bother to pay attention. Maybe this is a bit cold-blooded, but it would be strange if people who have experienced the end of the world for a few years save people as soon as they see them.

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