How am I supposed to find her?

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<<Now, where's my role?>> Aric asked himself while searching through the pile of paper. He found Armando, Julian, Dante, Jovan, and many other performers, but not him.

He could play a secondary role. They didn't see his face. They didn't hear his voice. Julian always played. At least, that's what he heard.

"What's the matter? Can't find your name?" Dante laughed at him. If this wasn't during the game, he would've punced him.

"No. But I see that you're... a street vendor. Cool."

"If I were you, I'd be glad Legend forgot to give me a role. You can do whatever you want. Enjoy! You don't know when we'll come to Valenda next time." He pat his shoulder like they were old friends.

"I guess."

"Oh, I think I've found it!"

Dante handed him a piece of paper. It was written by hand. "ARIC- " was written in really nice handwriting. He couldn't tell what his role was. He opened it. His eyes widened as a ring fell out of the envelope.

Congratulations! You are proposing to Orion Hengher! You were childhood friends, and you met again. You came all the way from The Conquered Isle of Trisda, your home, just to reunite. (Be careful! Your name is Taj. You are the child of a gardener and a seamstress. Don't forget!) You wanted to talk about the feelings that won't go away since Orion left and eventually propose and bring your friend home. Isn't that romantic?

Aric was sure Legend had some real problems. Why on earth would you do that?

"I'm sorry, Dante, but how am I going to recognize her?"

He didn't read it out loud. Dante was already looking over his shoulder.

"You must figure it out yourself."

"Could you please -" But he was already leaving. He continued even though no one would hear: "Help me..."

He was on his own. Great.

Now, the game started. All he was supposed to do was find the girl, propose to her, and then he could mind his own business.

He had a sheet of clues, too. On the sheets, there were names. Apparently, he was Taj Samson. He couldn't search for Rosa, but he could pretend. The streets were full of girls and boys already searching for her.

In front of him, a girl was walking really slowly, enjoying the view. He couldn't see her face, but he bet she was pretty. Her hair was red, and she was wearing a blue dress that stole the show. Maybe she was Orion.

Dante stopped her.

"Good evening, pretty lady. Would you like a cup of hot chocolate?"

She seemed unsure when she answered:
"What's the price?"

"We'd be good if you gave me your full name and the worst wound you've ever gotten."

He already prepared the brown mug. It had marshmallows and sprinkles on top. It looked delicious. Aric stayed behind to hear her name.

"My name's Yara. Yara Maxil. I once got stabbed and almost died."

Her voice was strangely deep. If you heard it and didn't see her, you'd think it belonged to a boy. She continued her search for clues.

"What are you doing?" Aric asked Dante.

"Trying to help you?"

"Any luck?"

"I met an Oregon, but no Orion."


He finally looked at the clues.

*You will find the second where you find the most corrupt people.*

Easy. The Spice Quarter.

And yes. That's where everyone went. Some of them were not even searching. Some street performers were dancing, some of them were singing, and you couldn't tell what the people around you were saying. Like, for example, one of the two short girls in front of him could be Orion, the other one could be calling her name, and he wouldn't know.

Aric saw Julian. He dragged him away from the crowd.

"Julian. Julian! I need to know something. What happens when you don't fulfill your role?"

"Aaaah... I think you'd be left here by Legend. I don't know. The roles are explicit and easy. But, if you like being an actor already, don't worry. You can't fail."

He laughed nervously. It wasn't true. At least, not in this case.

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