The boy

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"Aric? Aric! Are you ok?" Dante asked.
"Me? Oh, yeah." He snapped.
Even though he slept more than six hours, the usual amount he'd get per night, he was more tired than he was in the morning.
Those dreams... they were terrifying.
And there was one more dream. One he died in. Stabbed with a bone. And yes, he felt the pain. You weren't supposed to feel pain in your dreams.
And they began the search in the Satine Distrinct.
In the first hour, they had no luck. Some of the girls didn't even bother to tell their names to them.
Then, when they were asking a brunette girl with short hair, Aric felt a pat on his shoulder.
"What is it, Dante?"
He turned around. It wasn't Dante. He took a step back.
"Uh... I think you've mistaken me for someone."
It was him. The copper-haired boy from his dream. He was way taller than Aric and taller than Dante, so it took a second to recognize him.
"What are you exactly looking for? I can help!" He had the voice of a fully grown man and the excitement of a five year old.
"My friend. I'm looking for my friend."
"Good. Can I join?"
Dante wasn't too happy at the sight of him. He was suspicious. Yes, neither was Aric, but what was he supposed to say?
And they started searching again. Aric's pocket watch indicated that they'd been searching for two whole hours.
"I have a question." The guy asked.
"Go on."
"Do you know your friend in person?"
"Yes. We're childhood friends."
"Then why are we interrogating all of the girls? Don't you remember her height? Her skintone? Something? What's her name?"
He didn't expect this question.
"Well, I- well -"
"Forget it. What's her name?"
"Orion Hengher."
He started laughing. And laughing. And laughing.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm Orion Hengher!"
Aric's head was spinning, and he felt sick. He couldn't stand on his own feet anymore. He expected to feel the cold and wet ground. But no, there was no ground. He was falling and eventually hit the floor.
He was in a dark room. Inside, there was nothing but a red chair.
He got up. There was no one else there. Except until someone materialized on the red chair.
Black. Legend was wearing black. Black coat, black pants, and a black hat. And the mask Aric wore at the opening of the game. White base, two dots for the eyes and a line for the mouth. Cute, but also horrifying.
"Aric, Aric, Aric. Why so nervous? I thought I knew why I took you with us."
"I'm so, so, sorry. Give me one more chance. I won't disappoint you. Please, don't hurt me."
He fell down on his knees. He was desperate. Legend didn't only have a bad reputation. He was the villain.
"Hurt? Do you think I'm going to hurt you?" He grabbed his face violently. "It'd be a shame if someone did that. I didn't choose you because your acting is impeccable. Not only do I have to look like an angel, but my actors too. I'm going to borrow your body for tonight. And tomorrow. And the days after. You deserve some rest. Eternal rest."
And then he disappeared in thin air.

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