I got some dreams

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When Caraval starts, you don't have much to do in the daytime as a performer. You mustn't leave the palace. Well, now, but it could've been a cheap inn.

He looked at the envelope with his role. It still had the ring in it. He pulled it out.
It was made out of what he guessed was silver. Really simple but fancy.
Now, it was time to worry. How was she like?

Did she have blonde hair? Aric loved blonde hair on girls. It just made them look like a fairy. Oh, and brown eyes, too. And it would be nice if she wore lots of jewellery.

But what if she wasn't nice at all? What if she had a lot of piercings? And what if she had died her hair black?

He looked at the envelope again. He drew something on it. A girl blonde hair and green eyes that looked familiar. He didn't have any memories of her, but something scared him. He immediately fell out of his chair at the sight of what he created. He spilt the ink on his clothes.

Someone knocked.

"Uh... one second!"

He rushed to the door and unlocked it, even though the ink was running from his shirt and staining the carpet.
It was Dante. He looked at him confused. He opened the door wider to look around.

"Do you know how expensive that damages will be?"

"I think so. It's not like you're paying. And Legend is filthy rich."

He tried to say something but stopped. His face was red, and he was visibly angry, but he tried to calm down.

"Anyways, what did you want to tell me?"

"Yes, that. I didn't have any luck last night. I'm sorry. How about you?"
"Me neither." Aric sighed.

Dante picked up the ink pot. There was no liquid inside.

"What's up with this drawing?"

"Oh, don't mind it..."

"Are you scared?"

"Not really."

He was lying.

"You know, I think she's going to be nice. Otherwise, I don't think Legend would have asked you to do it, even for the sake of the game."

"I think you are right."

<<Or I hope so.>>

"How about you take a nap, and we meet tonight at The Satine Distrinct? That's where the third clue is hidden."

"That sounds amazing!"

He kept having dreams of the blonde girl and other familiar people.
At first, it was her singing and looking outside a window. She turned into a wich.

Then, a wich who turned into her when she kissed a white-haired boy who turned into ash in another dream.
He dreamed of stabbing Yara. He dreamed of torturing multiple boys.
He could smell the sweat and hear their screams and taste their fear and their pain.

Then it was him. A copper-haired boy with impossibly pale skin.

He didn't understand what his role was, but it was always him when passing from a dream to another. Him laughing covered in blood. Him hugging Aric until he felt he was suffocating. Him crying. Him screaming. It was always him.

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