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Who likes ice cream, anyway?

Aric looked at Japeth and Jacks. They just bought some, and, in this heat, it'd be really nice to have some.

But it'd be really nice to be Jacks, too. You know... to be on a date with Japeth.

His best friend? What was wrong with him? He felt he started blushing. No... it can't be... he actually cared about someone! One deep breath. Two. Three. He was a sadistic psychopath who went to Arbed. Of course he didn't care about anyone.

But the way he smiled, the way he hugged him when he lost his memories, the way he behaved like a little boy just couldn't be forgotten.

They stopped next to Cupid's fountain. Japeth threw a coin in the fountain first. The coin sank into the water slowly. Or at least he guessed so. Now it was Jacks's turn. The coin shined in the sunlight like it was a small sun. The real sun was still in the sky, but the light seemed to be partially gone.

After they left, he went to take a look at the coin. And it was there. Golden and shiny. Just like a piece of the sun. He sank his hand in the warm water and humbled for it. It was not like the others. And there was something written on the back.

*I can taste the victory.*

No. He couldn't. Japeth was now just... Aric's. Or he should've been.

<<Did he take the friend zone seriously? Do I have a chance anymore?>>

He didn't need a chance. He didn't need Japeth. He was better off alone. He'd already told him he's his best friend, and it was useless to argue with himself right now.

Next, they went to the Satine Distrinct, where Jacks bought some green drink for both of them. He leaned in and whispered something to Japeth. Japeth laughed, and Jacks left. He entered a shop.

Aric felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Someone was behind him, and he was so close the boy could feel his warm breath next to his ear.

"Would you stop following us?"

It was Jacks. Aric could see his reflection in the lake they were now next to.

"I will stop following you when 'you' doesn't mean you and Japeth. Now, tell me what you want from him."

"Me? I just want to have fun. And he's the whole circus. It will all go away when I kiss him."

Kiss him? He was planning on kissing him?

"And don't worry. He will suffer when I leave him. I promise. And you can't do anything about it."

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