The date

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"Japeth, I swear if you keep talking to yourself, I will literally kill you."

He had been doing it for the last twenty minutes since he woke up. It was like he'd gone nuts. He occasionally giggled and hummed. Aric didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Uhhh... one minute! It's important!"

What could be so important? He wanted to walk and listen to what he was saying. But good friends don't do that. At least when they're not worried about their friend. He bit his lip and got out of the bathroom slowly. He'd slept in the bathtub last night. The sun was still red and looked like a ball of fire. He stopped in front of the light pink door. The door was slightly opened, so he could see what he was doing.

He was apparently doing his makeup. Again? He was pretty clear two days ago, right?

"Oh, Aric. I told you to wait one more minute."

"Japeth, I thought I was pretty clear. You're a nice guy, but -"

"Calm down. I'm going out with Jacks in about... three hours. I have so little time to get ready!"

"Jacks? Who's Jacks, and when did he -"

Japeth giggled again. At this point, he looked like a girl. If his copper hair was just a bit longer, no one would think he's a boy. He almost looked too perfect to be true.

"The blonde guy. He's so nice and kind... I hope this goes well. He asked me out last night while we were having dinner. And, I forgot to tell you. This is our last day in Valenda. Tomorrow, we're heading to The North to search for the truth stone. We're lucky it's the last one. Get it? The luck stone?"

Aric didn't get what was wrong with Japeth. He acted differently, almost like he was on some kind of medicine. He put some colorful hair clips in his hair. Someone knocked again.

"He's here early!"

"I will answer."

He went to find Jacks waiting in front of the door. He seemed really excited. Almost too excited. He was wearing a black coat and a white shirt. Only yesterday, he wore a dirty pair of boots and a dirty shirt with ripped sleeves. Strange change.

"HI. Is Japeth there?" Jacks asked. He was smiling. Smiling. Something was off.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I don't trust you. Stay away from him."

Jacks laughed, showing his fangs. He licked his lips like a wolf looking at his prey.

"Oh, now you're jealous. But I came first. I'm way further than you."

Aric would not have minded if he fell down the stairs at the last step. The way he laughed, the way he smiled, was inhuman. He looked wrong. Like a cube of ice. Just like Rafal did.

"You'll regret you didn't listen to me. You'll see. I'm way more evil than you can imagine."

"You'll regret you threatened me. I'm way more mentally ill than you can imagine. Oh, there he is! How are you, dear?"

Japeth jumped into his arms. The guy almost tripped and smiled again, but this time, he made it look real. Look.

"I got my watch, money, keys, I think that's all, right, Aric?"

"Right. Have a great time, you two!"

Even though Aric didn't like Jacks at all, he still wanted Japeth to have fun. But he might as well follow them, just to make sure.

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