This may be the last one

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"Well, there has to be a way out of here." Aric smiled. He didn't like to admit it, but he was afraid they'll never see the real world again.

Talking about the real world, where were they?

"No. There isn't. This is not a place. We're both trapped inside your head. And, soon, there will be no flowers. Legend will take care of it. He has full control over our bodies and will kill us when the game finishes. We're doomed... because of you."

How was he supposed to answer? 'It's not my fault' when it clearly was?

"But you know what? Fuck it. I've been looking for you for the last two years of my life. I died because of you, and no, I'm not afraid of doing it again. Without you, it was a living hell, and every day, I woke up looking for you, I killed people, I killed my brother, but, you know what, Aric, fuck it!"

"That's so sweet, but I don't even remember your name. Do you want to refresh my memory?"

He looked truly hurt. He was hurt. Aric just wanted to comfort him.

"Japeth. It's not your fault. You can't choose to remember something. I'm your best fr- I'm your slave. You don't like me to call you the first way. Or at least didn't."

"Well, now, you may. You may call me anything you want. I owe you one."

Japeth grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, hugging him. It was a strange feeling. The way he crushed him gave Aric goosebumps, and he kind of liked it.



"Do you promise to find me the next time I ask you to?"

It was about a letter he once sent to him, asking him to come be together at the school Aric went to after he got expelled from the one they learned in before.

"If you promise me to never tell me you're ashamed of our friendship again."

So it was a yes. A weirdly formulated, almost sweet, and honest yes.

It took him about three hours to appear again.

He laughed harshly when he saw the two of them.

"I see you've already remembered all you had to. You're not useful anymore, Aric. As for you... you never were."

"What do you want?" Aric roared. He was already annoyed by the sight of him.

"I want to have fun."

And he disappeared and reappeared and did that until he looked like a broken light bulb.

Now, in front of them; now behind. Left. No, right.

Japeth was already boiling. His pale face was not the only one morphing from white to red. His clothes were morphing into black eels, too. Black eels that flew in all directions and knocked of Legend's mask.

When he realised that, he covered his face using his hand and started searching for the mask. But it was already too late. Aric ran and stepped on it and broke it into small pieces.

Black smoke rose from it, like it was its soul leaving the body. Magic.

"I see you're not so big and bad, after all. Not without your mask."

Japeth knocked the hat off and grabbed his hair, showing his face.

Aric stepped back. No. It couldn't be. It couldn't be.

"I can give you anything you want if you spare me. Please. Please. I can give you as much money as you want. You said it, Aric, I'm filthy rich." Dante cried. But it didn't matter to Japeth. He carefully placed his hands on his head and snapped his neck.

The flowers started vanishing and the rest of the world, too. At first, Aric thought his friend was dead. He wasn't breathing. He hugged him until the tip of his fingers started turning white. He hugged him like he was life itself. He hugged him like they were the last humans on earth, and he would be alone if he went.

Slowly, his chest started going up and down, up and down like it was supposed to.

"I'm not dead yet, dummy."

This story may have come to an end if I don't wake up tomorrow and be like, "You know what'd be fun?". It's my first Wattpad story, and it was really nice writing it this far. I'd like to thank the person who always reads my chapters even though they suck. It brings me a lot of joy when I see someone viewed it. Love you!
So, I might continue the story. I'm indecisive.

Ok, so I added more parts

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