✎ ♥ Chapter 4 ♦

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Just when the two started to feel comfortable in the spot they were in, they heard sirens

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Just when the two started to feel comfortable in the spot they were in, they heard sirens. Mikey jumped and disconnected the earbuds. "Do you hear that?" Miles nodded and handed his phone back. "I think we might have overstayed our welcome..." He pulled his mask back down and Mikey pulled his up, covering his head with his orange hoodie. "They sound pretty close, what do we do?"

Miles whipped around to face him. "Have you never run from the police??" Mikey shrugged. "Uhh well, maybe once or twice..." Spider-man's eyes narrowed and he sighed. "Okay okay, just follow-" A bright light shined on them in the middle of his sentence.

"FREEZE!" A cop shouted, pointing a flashlight at the two kids.

"ME-!" Miles shouted, grabbing onto Mikey's hand and running at full speed. Mikey yelped and followed him, letting out another little shout when Miles picked him up. "What are you doing?!"

Miles beckoned towards the tall building across from them. "We're gonna swing!"
"W-wait, I got this! I can use my kusari-fundo myself, I can hop buildings-!"

"What? I-I can't hear you, the sirens are really loud!" MIkey groaned and shouted louder. "Do not swing, I can get over there myself! Hurry up and put me down!"

"Y-you said...hurry up and swing??"

"What? No, I said-"

"OKAY-!" Miles shot out a string of webbing to the other building. When it met the surface he grabbed on and jumped off the ledge off the Brooklyn Heights promenade. Both of them screamed the whole way, Mikey closing his eyes tight. He tried to open his eyes again but gasped when he realized they were still swinging in mid air. "WHA-HO-! PUT ME-"

He stopped when he fully opened his eyes, they grew wide with wonder. They were high up enough to see almost all of the city, skyscrapers and highways now in full view. Mikey smiled widely and started to climb on top of Miles to get around, trying to see more. Miles grunted and shifted around, nearly dropping him completely. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"I just wanna see!" Mikey latched onto Spider-man's back and gasped in awe. He'd never really seen the city this easily. Miles saw a rooftop and started to land on the edge. He started to set Mikey down before he tripped and slid backwards. "DUDE, ARE YOUR SHOES STILL NOT TIED?"



They both screamed and fell back into a dumpster.

Mikey groaned and tried to sit up, but there were trash bags surrounding him. "Oh, that's nasty..."
He gasped and looked around for Miles, throwing trash bags around. He lifted one up and finally found him. Miles sat up and gasped for air, coughing. "Oh god, that was terrible! It was like...A big booty latina-"

"Don't even finish that sentence..." Mikey said, frowning in disgust. Miles snorted and burst out laughing, falling back. Mikey shook his head. "Come on, let's get out of here-"

The sirens rang through the streets again and they both fell back, burying themselves in the dumpster to hide. Mikey and Miles glanced at each other. "On second thought, let's stay here for a couple more minutes..." The turtle whispered.

Spider-man nodded before putting his fist up to him. "Hey, thanks again for hanging out. I hope you liked the tour, for as long as it lasted."

Mikey smiled and bumped his fist against his. "Sure thing, Spider-Man. I liked the tour a lot."


Mikey woke to the smell of breakfast the next morning, which was weird. He was usually the one who cooked in the family, who else was up? He yawned and stretched his arms, standing up slowly. He stepped on something and looked down. It was a pair of gloves. "Oh yeah, I threw them off because they didn't fit very well...I'll have to give 'em back to him."

He smiled and walked out of the room to go see who was up cooking. "Hey, is everything-?"

He stopped and gasped when he saw a rabbit standing in the middle of the kitchen, his ears tied back. 'Usagi's here..' Mikey thought. Yuichi Usagi was Leo's new friend, but he felt more like another brother to Mikey.

He ran up to him and wrapped him up in a hug, his arms around the rabbit's waist. Usagi made a sound of surprise and looked down. "Oh, hello. Do you like boiled vegetables for breakfast?" He nodded and kept silent, soaking up the hug. Usagi smiled and paused his cooking. "Everything okay?"

Mikey sighed and pulled away. "Yeahh." Yuichi raised an eyebrow at him. "At least this time it actually sounded genuine. What's been good?" The turtle sat on the counter and sighed again. "I made a new friend! At least I think we're friends. He's really nice and he's funny, he does art like me. But I'm kinda scared I might disappoint him..."

"Disappoint him in what way?" The rabbit grabbed plates and set them down one by one. "Well he's got this art thing he wants to do with me, but my hands are just...messed up. I can't cook, I can't do handstands and I can barely draw! Some days they're fine, but others...I just wish they were back to normal."

Yuichi hummed and set a plate and fork in front of him. "I doubt that that'll disappoint him, if he's a real friend." Mikey shrugged. "I guess so..." His hands shook slightly as he reached for his fork. Usagi noticed this and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just breathe and take your time, Mikey. That food isn't gonna run away!"

He sighed and set the the fork down. "I'm not that hungry." Leo stumbled in, Donnie following behind him. "Nardo, I'm only going to say this one more time, you can't skateboard and use your crutches as the paddles!"

Leo rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor in defiance. "I'm still the leader, Donnie. You can't tell me what to do..." He said, mumbling the last part. Yuichi and Mikey glanced at each other before shaking their heads. "Maybe if we don't make eye contact they'll just go away..."

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