🍕 Chapter 2 🍕

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Miles laid on his bed the next day and slung his arm over the edge, staring off into space

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Miles laid on his bed the next day and slung his arm over the edge, staring off into space. He wondered if he should tell his roommate about the turtle he met last night, but Ganke looked busy. When he wasn't typing away at his computer, he was going over to Miles' parents' house just to eat and then fall asleep on their couch. But he loved his friend, so he didn't mind. He groaned and tapped Ganke on the shoulder. "Yo, what time is it...?"

The boy looked at the time in the corner of his computer screen. "Almost ten o'clock. Why, you need to go somewhere?"

Miles shook his head. "Nah, I'm just...bored. The city has been quiet for days, and I'm constantly on edge since what happened with Kingpin. I need something for me to do!"

Ganke gasped just then. "Dude, this is perfect!"

"What is?" Ganke just gestured for him to come over there. "Just come look, you're gonna love this."

Miles craned his neck curiously before standing up, trudging over to the computer screen. He eyed it closely, it looked like a news article. "Street art contest...?"

Ganke spun around in his chair. "You have to do it. This could be a one in a lifetime chance to shed some light on your art skills!"

"Okay first of all, they do it annually. Second, I don't need anyone to know I'm good at art! It's just...a hobby."

"Aww come on, you just said you needed something to do! It's a two person project, though. Do you know anybody else who could help you?"

Miles sighed. He didn't have to think very hard, he knew that Mikey could. But he didn't know him that well. Maybe they got along well enough that they'd be decent friends at least? "Yeah, I do...Fine. When's the deadline?"

Ganke double checked. "Uhh next month, the 15th of October, I believe."

Miles scrunched up his face. "Next month? Why are they giving us so much time?"

Ganke shrugged. "Pretty sure it's because Lea Thomas is judging-"


"Uh...Yeah, that sounds like him."

Miles' mouth hung open. "Oh heggs nah, Ima need more than next month-"

"Hey, you got this! Buuut if you're really that worried, I'd suggest you get in touch with that friend of yours. Hey, maybe you both will get it done before then!"

"Maybe..." Miles mumbled. He walked over to his closet and pulled out his Spiderman suit.

"Woahh, is that really a good idea? Does this guy know you're Spiderman or something?" Ganke asked. "Yeah, but that's because he doesn't know I'm Miles Morales. Trust me, I'll be careful."


Mikey took a deep breath, staring at a cup of water. "Okay Mikey, just reach for it slowly..." He extended his hand out to the cup, it was shaking slightly. He hesitated before calming himself down, wrapping his fingers around it. "Now...pick it up..."

He held his breath and lifted it off the table, trying to ignore how weak his hands felt. Leo sat across from him, smiling. "You got this, little brother."

Mikey brought the cup to his mouth, but the glass slipped out of his hands. He gasped, and water spilled on the table. Mikey groaned and buried his face in his hands. Leo winced and grabbed a paper towel. "Don't worry Mikey, you'll-"

"Don't say that, because you know I'll never get it! You've been saying that for months, and I can't even take one sip!"
He buried his face in his hands.

Leo felt sorry for him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Mikey, it's okay, even if you can't get it." His hands and face still had bandages on them, him just getting out of the hospital a few days ago. It didn't help for Mikey to see him like this.

He sighed and grabbed Leo's crutches for him. "Come on, you need to rest."

"Mikey, I'm completely fine! If it's because of the bandage over my eye, I thought you'd like it! Aren't pirates cool-? "

"Leo, stop." Mikey said. Leo fell silent and felt a pang in his heart. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Mikey shoved the crutches in his arms. "Not everyone can just laugh and joke and pretend their problems aren't real. Not like you." 

His older brother just shook his head. "I know that's not the real you talking. A lot has changed since I've been in the hospital, but I'm back now..." He put his hand on the back of Mikey's head and pulled him closer, pressing their foreheads together. He always did this when getting his point across to him. "You're the reason I'm alive. You never gave up on me, Mikey. So why should I give up on you?"

Michelangelo sighed and gave a small smile. "Thanks, Leo." He still felt a bit disappointed that his hands weren't working like he wanted them to, but Leo made him feel a bit better. "Hey Leo, I think I need to go out again tonight. It just brings me peace, I guess..."

Leo shrugged. "Have at it, as long as you're careful." He pinched Mikey's cheek teasingly and started to walk away. Before leaving, he turned around and flashed his usually confident smile. "Everything's gonna be okay, little brother. You will be, too."


Miles sat atop the roof of Pete's Bodega, waiting. He didn't know if Mikey would come looking for him, but he did say that there would be a next time. He pulled out his phone and occupied himself, playing with the hanging shoelaces on his shoes. He felt a tingle and turned around immediately, hoping it was Mikey. But there was no one there.


He turned back slowly and jumped when he saw the turtle in front of him, perching himself onto a street light. "Oh...Hi..." Miles said. Mikey smiled and waved at him. "Hey!"

Miles smiled back, but felt stupid when he realized his mask was still on. He laughed nervously and stood up to greet him when suddenly he tripped, falling over the edge of the building. Mikey gasped and grabbed him by the shirt, holding him up easily.

MIles breathed a sigh of relief. "Uh thanks...For that. I coulda caught myself, but..." Mikey smirked. "You know your shoes are untied, right?"

Spider-man nodded. "Yeahh, I know. Kind of a choice." MIkey shook his head and pulled him back up in a swift motion. "So, where to?"

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