◇◇Chapter 8☆☆

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Later that day the two explained everything back at the lair. The rest of Mikey's brothers were confused at first, until April spoke up. "Wait a minute, Lea Thomas? That name sounds familiar to someone else that I did a report on for my journalism class during my sophomore year of high school. It was this one criminal from New Orleans who was stealing some types of robot and machinery parts that got thrown into a storage room, lord knows how he kept getting in there without ID."

Mikey raised a brow and leaned back in his chair. "So? What happened to him?"

"The strangest thing ever. He was out in the prison yard one day, right? While working out he said to one of his inmates that he heard a noise around the corner. He left, didn't come back for five minutes, and then came back with bloodstains on his clothes. But he hadn't hurt anyone or any of the inmates! It was like a whole new different man came back and acted like nothing happened."
Miles was now sat up all the way forward in his seat, gripping the arms of the couch in slight fear. "What...?"

April nodded slowly. "Mmmmhm."

Leo and Donnie looked at each other for a second. Donnie let out a soft sigh and shrugged. "Well, although the stolen machinery does sound like it could be it...I don't think that explains the earthquakes-"

"And slash or explosions!" Usagi added, jumping in. Leo looked back at the rabbit. "Oh but of course, we couldn't have forgotten about the and slash or part, right?" Usagi smiled and nodded. "Yeah!"
Leo tilted his head and looked slightly annoyed. "That was sarcasm."
Yuichi paused for a moment. "...Oh. Ah, now I see."

Miles ignored them and stood up, his hands shoved in his pockets. "No...No, that can't be it. I've known Lea Thomas for years, he'd never be a part of some crime like that!"

A slam on the table made everyone jump. Raph's face was in an angry scowl and he jabbed an accusing finger in Miles' direction. "Well guess what kid? I hope you know that your pal is a criminal! And it could possibly be some other guy entirely!"

Leo put a hand up for Raph to chill. "Have you known him personally or known about him?" Miles was about to protest when he fell silent, knowing the answer to that question. April huffed and crossed her arms. "Well guys, I don't think it's his fault. You'd be in denial, too."

Mikey sighed and stood up to walk to his room. He turned and nodded at Miles, beckoning for him to follow. Miles nodded back, scurrying out of the way of all the drama. Being yelled at could be for another time.


"So..." Mikey said with a quiet voice, looking down. Miles hugged a pillow, shrugging. "So...?"

The turtle let out a soft chuckle. "Uh, that out there was a lot, right? I'm real sorry that unfolded like that. I don't like drama that much either."
Miles nods. "Dude...I thought I had everything figured out. Lea Thomas, or whoever he is, seemed so strange today. Different. I think that girl was right. Whoever we saw..."

"That wasn't him." Mikey finished. He sighed and scooted next to the boy, leaning against his shoulder. "None of this is our fault. You know that, right?"
Miles cracked a warm smile. Mikey always knew how to make him feel better. Like magic. "Yeah. Yeah, I know..."

The turtle smiled back and sighed, laying his head on the boy's shoulder. "So..."
Miles snickered and raised an eyebrow. "So...?"

Mikey smiled again and turned to look at him, his eyes wide. "Hey, give me some random facts about something! That'll keep us busy."

"Oh, sure! Ever heard of the shoulder touch?" 

He looked confused and blinked. "The...The wha?" Miles chuckled deeply and rubbed his hands together. "Lemme show you how to bag a hottie, young brotha."

"Don't ever say that sentence like that again."

"Nah, I'm serious! Here's what you wanna do. You see this bodacious, big foot babe at the corner of the street, right-?" He wrapped his arm around Mikey, pointing to nowhere. "And she says she doesn't like you, but she's been giving you this look that says 'come hither', ya'mean?"

Mikey nodded, still having that confused look plastered on his face. "Uh-huh...?"

"Cool cool, now, you go up to her, and you gotta be like..." He turns away for a second and then turns back, dropping his hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Hey."

The turtle goes silent before bursting out into laughter, clutching his chest. "BAHA, YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS-"

Miles sucked his teeth and crossed his arms. "Maaneee, I am so serious." Mikey chuckled and shook his head. "Okay, so you want me to go like..." He placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Hey!"

"Naaahhh nah nah nah nah NAH, you gotta be like...Hey~"

Mikey tries again, this time tightening his grip. "HEY!"


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