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After walking for about half an hour, Alice came across a burnt-out town. The neighbouring fields must have once grown crops in them, but now only charcoal covered the ground. All the houses were derelict and long-since abandoned, but she headed for one anyway. Maybe there would be some food in one? Anyway, I need a place to sleep for the night. Once inside, the true destruction showed itself. Almost everything was charred or burnt beyond repair. Who did this? And why?

Thankfully, there was an area where there was still some roof left, the walls weren't a problem as they were made of a combination of brick and stone. Pretty hard to burn that! Still, an overwhelming amount of soot filled the air, getting into Alice's throat and making her... "cough, cough."

Suddenly, there was the sound of someone in the next room, slowly tap-tapping their way towards where she was standing. Who could it be? A survivor? Unfortunately for her, that was as far from the truth as could be.

A floorboard creaked and fast footsteps pounded in Alice's ears, echoing in her head and vibrating in her feet. Then suddenly, she was able to move again. However, it was too late. Alice was roughly tied up and shoved in a scratchy sack, she glimpsed a horrifying face and was struck by the realisation that- like it or not- she was heading to the Maw.

After she fellWhere stories live. Discover now