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Strolling in the same streets that Alice had previously ran hurriedly through the earlier night was quite a different experience. The sun scared away dark shadows, the fog had momentarily lifted, and she had someone to hold her hand. Reassured as she was, Alice dropped her guard and for a moment, everything was peaceful. Then a "weeoo weeoo" was heard from behind the pair, in that flash of an instant RK's eyes widened, and Alice soon found herself facing an incoming ambulance. She started to run, but there was no way that she could escape that path of destruction in time. RK watched from behind, desperately wishing that he could help, and knowing he could not.

The ambulance was inches away from crashing into Alice when it suddenly swerved, brushing the tips of her fringe. When the ambulance had gone, RK rushed over, just in time to catch Alice as she fainted from fright. Looking around for anyone that could help, RK saw a sign on a building in front of him, near where the ambulance had disappeared, surprise surprise- it was a hospital! He looked for something he could use to take Alice in, to get her to the hospital. An old rusty wheelbarrow sat glumly in a dark corner of an alleyway, "Ah ha perfect!"

Even though Alice's light, it was still a struggle to lift her into the wheelbarrow The wheelbarrow shedded some flakes of rust but it held, and soon RK was wheeling it like a pro over to the hospital. He ran through the corridor to the reception desk, lights flashing above them like their own welcoming committee. Sitting at the desk was a grumpy looking cat, who didn't miss a beat before pointing them in the direction of yet another winding corridor. The difference was this time; that it led to an elevator, and the lights weren't swinging or flashing- a first.
When the elevator arrived at its only destination, an...interesting hospital ward with checkered tiles that were cold to the bone. A cluster of broken looking people were gathered around a television at the bottom of STAIRS! A wheelbarrow's mortal enemy, however was RK going to get Alice down?
Scanning his surroundings for anything that could help, RK drew a blank. Unfortunately, there was only one solution...He would have to carry her down the winding staircase. Footsteps started to be heard from above them RK picked up Alice and ran down the staircase, ignoring how weird it felt to be carrying someone. But whatever salvation he was hoping for at the bottom of the staircase didn't come. Suddenly, he was a small fish in an ocean, tall adults looming over him- and Alice!
Alice, where did she go? A chuckling noise came from above him, and RK looked up to see an unconscious Alice in the grip of a creepy old man, who was crawling on the ceiling.

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