Chapter 2: Taken By Her

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Diana was also in her bedroom late at night thinking about Finn and checking out his photos on his instagram.

Diana: She thought to herself. Gosh...I can't stop staring at his pictures. He's the perfect prince I dreamt of.

The next day at school, everything was going normal until Finn decided to talk to Rosalie and Diana together after class.

Finn: Hey my ladies what's up?

Diana: Doing good, Finn. Got any plans for the following days?

Finn: Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm throwing a party. I want you both to come.

Diana: Oh my. Of course, we can both go.

Rosalie: She had a sad expression and thought to herself. I wish I could go alone...

When the girls arrived at the party, music could be heard from Finn's house and they were both patiently waiting for Finn to open the door for them.

Finn: He opened his door and said. I'm so glad you both made it. Come inside and let's have a drink.

They both spent a few minutes dancing together with everyone else. After a while, Rosalie felt mentally drained and walked away for a bit from Diana. She felt anxious being around so many people.

Rosalie: On the inside. Maybe I should return home. Finn doesn't seem to have any time for me.

However, before she could go, Finn noticed Rosalie wasn't together with the people that were dancing and decided to talk to her himself.

Finn: Hey Rosalie, are you having fun here?

Rosalie: Yes, I am...Thanks for inviting me and Diana.

Finn and Rosalie were seen talking more. Diana was seeing them from a distance with a neutral expression on her face, but on the inside she was very jealous seeing Finn talk to Rosalie instead of her for a short while. When the party was over, everyone was sent home.

About 2 weeks later, Diana had a special announcement to share with Rosalie. She went by her house and knocked on the door. She wanted to say that she and Finn are now official because he just asked her to be his girlfriend.

Rosalie: Hi Diana, what are you doing here?

Diana: I'm so happy! Finn asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.

Rosalie: Oh wow... I'm happy you got your wish as a kid.

Diana: Even when I'm with Finn, I'll make sure to spend time with you too.

Diana: I don't want to lose you as my best friend...

Rosalie: That's true. No one can ruin our friendship.

When Diana left the house, Rosalie sat in her room and thought she had lost.

Rosalie: She thought to herself. How did she get him that fast?

Diana arrived at her house and decided to call Finn so they could hang out again. But she won't tell him that Rosalie knows about their relationship unless he asks.

Diana: Hey Finn...should we hang out again?

Finn: Hey baby... I'm glad you called. I missed you. I'm coming to pick you up from your house.

When they were having fun together, they were holding hands and enjoying their time in the park. They did lots of things together. Shared ice cream with one another and played games together at the fair.

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