Chapter 5: Drunk Dazed

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Everyone was still partying in the living room at Jeffrey's house and dancing wildly. Rosalie got so drunk that she danced very hard and Jeffrey also got drunk. They did many dirty dances together and kissed each other multiple times. Afterwards, they walked into Jeffrey's room and made out underneath the blankets.

Hours passed and Rosalie finally got up from sleeping on Jeffrey's bed. She saw him sleeping right next to where she was sleeping but he didn't wake up because he was still very drunk.

Rosalie: On the inside. Omg must be pretty late now...I need to go home. She walked home.

When she got home, her mom was seen in the living room waiting for her. She got worried because Rosalie didn't respond to any of her calls.

Rosalie's mom: I called you many times and you didn't answer. Where were you all this time, Rosalie?

Rosalie: She lied. I came home late from work.

Rosalie: The new employee that my boss recently hired was absent for her shift, so I had to work longer. I'm really sorry.

Rosalie's mom: I see...that's okay as long as you are safe.

Rosalie's mom: Too bad you couldn't go to Diana's baby shower.

Rosalie: Yes, I told her I couldn't go because of my job. I'm trying to earn my own income and be independent.

Rosalie: I'm going to bed now. Good night, mom. She went to her bedroom.

Next morning, Rosalie was taking a stroll randomly during the day. She headed towards a bakery shop and planned to buy so many desserts to give to Diana in order to make her fatter while she's pregnant with her child.

Rosalie: On the inside. Hmm which desserts are the sweetest?

When she had made her decision of which dessert to buy, she walked out of the bakery carrying a bag full of sweets. Giselle was nearby and they talked.

Giselle: Hey girl what's up? How'd you like Jeff's party?

Rosalie: It was good, but I woke up with a hangover and found myself sleeping with him.

Rosalie: Why did you leave without me, Giselle?

Giselle: My mom called me to help her with shopping, and I had to leave earlier. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.

Rosalie: Don't apologize. It's not a big deal.

Giselle: What's in that bag you're holding?

Rosalie: She smirked. Something "lovely" for Diana. I think you know what I'm trying to do.

Giselle: Ohh you're planning to blow her up like a balloon? That's spicy.

Rosalie: Yes. Want to fatten her up with me?

Giselle: Of course, it would be best seeing that bitch complain.

Rosalie: Follow me. I know where she lives.

Fortunately for them, Diana and Finn forgot to lock the door when they got out of the house. They went to the kitchen and Rosalie put up the bag of desserts on the table and she wrote something cheeky on a small card. The card was then placed right next to the bag of desserts.

Rosalie: Let's go before she comes back.

The girls walked out of the house successfully and no one was around to see what was going on. Half an hour later, Diana and her cousin Ruelle were walking from the mall with Linda carrying the bags with the baby girl clothes. They walked inside the house to drop the shopping bags on the ground at the front door.

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