Chapter 13: Losses (Final)

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Diana laughed maniacally and walked away after succeeding in avenging herself by shooting Rosalie. Edgar's heart felt like it was being torn apart. With trembling hands, he cradled Rosalie's lifeless form against his chest, his tears mingling with the blood staining her skin. With a heavy heart, Edgar dialed for help, his voice choked with emotion as he pleaded for assistance. The ambulance arrived swiftly, its flashing lights piercing the night like beacons of hope in the abyss of despair. Paramedics rushed to Rosalie's side and placed her body on a trolley bed. While they were at the hospital, Edgar stood vigil by Rosalie's side. Nurses and doctors worked tirelessly, their efforts a desperate bid to defy the cruel grasp of death. But despite their best efforts, Rosalie remained unresponsive, her spirit having departed for realms beyond reach. Rosalie's dad was there and was also praying she would come back to life. After a while, a female nurse came out of the emergency room and she looked very sad. 

Nurse: We tried everything we could, but sad to say, she's gone...We couldn't bring her back. 

Nurse: We're very deeply sorry about this...

Rosalie's dad: He cried. My only sweet child...She's gone. 

Edgar: It's totally my fault...I should've looked out and stayed by her side at all costs. 

Edgar: How can I be so careless and irresponsible to leave her alone for a minute? 

Rosalie's dad: No, the fault is entirely mine. I blame myself for what happened. 

Rosalie's dad: I shouldn't have left her alone with her crazy mom. I should've taken her with me when I wanted to leave that time. 

Edgar: I really did love her, sir. You didn't just lose a daughter. I lost my first love. 

Edgar: I never felt a connection before her. 

Soon after, Rosalie's death became known by the police whom were sent by her mom to search for her in the new city. Back at Rosalie's former hometown, her mom was still going insane and ballistic over her absence. Until she finally received a call from the police she had been waiting for days. Trembling hands reached for the phone, her heart pounding in her chest as she listened to the voice on the other end.

Rosalie's mom: Tell me you found her this time!

Police: We did, but we have no choice but to say the truth...

Rosalie's mom: What truth? 

Police: Your daughter...S-She's dead. 

Rosalie's mom: Dead?! No, she can't be! I want my darling girl back!

Police: I'm sorry, but she is. She was followed and shot by a woman named Diana. 

Police: Who was confirmed to be her former best friend...

Tears of relief and sorrow mingled on her mom's cheeks as the words sank. Rosalie had been found, but not in the way she had hoped. In the deafening silence that followed the news of Rosalie's fate, time seemed to stand still for her. Numbness enveloped her, a suffocating shroud that dulled the sharp edges of her emotions. Words failed her, lost amidst the tumult of grief and disbelief that churned within. With a heavy heart, she struggled to find the strength to speak, to give voice to the maelstrom of emotions that threatened to consume her.

Police: Ma'am...Ma'am? Are you still there? 

Police: Hello, can you hear us?

The weight of Rosalie's death had completely crushed her like a tsunami. Desperation clawed at her soul, driving her to seek solace in the cold embrace of her closet. With shaking hands, she retrieved the pistol she had kept previously for self-defense.  Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the echoes of her anguished sobs as she held the weapon to her chest. In the depths of her despair, regret gnawed at her heart like a relentless tide, washing over her with a suffocating intensity. Memories of harsh words spoken and moments lost to pride and anger haunted her, their weight heavy with the burden of missed opportunities and fractured bonds. She longed to turn back the hands of time, to undo the pain she had inflicted upon her daughter in life. But now, in the wake of Rosalie's death, the opportunity for redemption had slipped through her fingers like grains of sand.

Rosalie's mom: She said to herself. I'm a terrible mom...I did this to you. 

Rosalie's mom: It's all my doing...I droved and pushed you away when you needed me the most. I never deserved you...

Rosalie's mom: I regret everything...I regret idolizing them while neglecting you as my daughter...

Rosalie's mom: I'm extremely, extremely, extremely sorry...I hope you can forgive me in the afterlife. 

Then without a second thought, she fired the pistol at her chest. In the deafening silence that followed the gunshot, a pall of finality settled over the room. Rosalie's mother lay motionless upon the ground, her life extinguished in an instant of desperation and despair. The echo of her decision reverberated through the air, a chilling testament to the depths of her anguish and the weight of her sorrow. In taking her own life, she had succumbed to the unbearable burden of grief and regret, choosing to escape the pain rather than face the daunting reality of a world without Rosalie. She had ultimately committed the sin of suicide. The very next day, the police located Diana's new place at the city and knocked on her door. As the door swung open, revealing Diana's figure framed in the dim light of her apartment, the officers wasted no time in executing their duty.  

Police #1: Diana Barlow, isn't it? We found your new address...

Police #2: You're under arrest! You're coming with us. 

With handcuffs at the ready, they informed her of the charges against her. 

Diana: Please hear me out....I can explain myself!

Diana: I didn't mean to kill her!

But she had no other choice, but to admit her crimes. With a resigned nod, she submitted to their authority, knowing that there was no escape from the reckoning that awaited her. 

The trial didn't take too long once Diana was brought to court. 

She pledged guilty to all charges for not only murder, but recklessly stalking and endangering Rosalie. 

The judges decided she will receive 70 years in prison and won't be released until then. 

Meanwhile, Edgar was diagnosed with depression and insomnia for many nights following Rosalie's death.  

He would often visit her grave along with her dad everyday he comes home from work. 

Edgar: I miss you tremendously, Rosalie. I can't get over the way you touched my soul. 

Rosalie's dad: He sobbed a little and said. I hope you will lead a new happy and peaceful life once you reincarnate, sweetheart. 

Rosalie's dad: Not the life where you suffered a lot and became mentally unstable because of me and your mom's actions. 

Rosalie's dad: You had so much potential in you while you were alive, but you couldn't own it because you were broken and damaged...

Edgar: I've truly never met anyone like your daughter, sir. I didn't care what others thought of her. 

Rosalie's dad: He turned to Edgar and said. Don't think of it as the end for you...

Rosalie's dad: You're a good man and you deserve another chance in love, Edgar. 

Rosalie's dad: I'm sure you'll find your other half and she'll make your world blossom once again. Even better than my daughter. 

Edgar: He thought to himself. If I had the power, I would bring you back to me so we could start over and rebuild our lives again, Rosalie. 

Edgar: He then told her dad. I don't know...All I know is that it's not going to be easy finding another woman whom I could click with mentally and emotionally. 

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