The Room of Requirement!

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    Ginny stood in the Room of Requirement. She waited for Neville and Luna. The three of them have been doing everything they can to fight against Snape and the Carro siblings. To help refugees. To make a difference. To take a stand. They kept their coins from their days in the D.A, to contact each other. Ginny's mind constantly went to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They've been gone for months, and she still doesn't know exactly what they're up to or what they're after. But they're all alone and she's terrified they'll wind up dead. Hermione, her friend Ron, her brother. And Harry, the love of her life. She doesn't know if she'd survive if anything were to happen to Harry or Ron. The thoughts flew out of her mind as the doors opened. Neville and Luna walked up to her. 

   "What took you so long?" Ginny asked. "Any trouble?" 

   "Just the Carro's." Neville replied, sighing. "What's new?" 

   "Any new scars?" Ginny asked. 

   "Not today." Neville replied. "Not for either of us, at least." 

   Ginny sighed. "Who?" 


   "Will he be okay?" 

   "He will be. He's strong." 

   "We all are." Ginny muttered. "We've kind of forced to be." 

   Neville nodded. "The war really turned last year.... Nothing has been the same since." 

   "Sometimes I wonder if it ever will be like that again. Our lives. Safe and loved." 

   Neville nodded. "I know." 

   "It will be." Luna spoke up. 

   "I love you, Luna, but you don't know that." 

   "I love you too, Gin, and I do know." Luna explained. "Things will not be the exact same, but things will be better. It was the same with the last war. Afterwards, people had to try and pick up their lives again. People died. Others mourned. The war was never forgotten, but everyone eventually managed to move past it the best they could, in their own ways. This will be the same. We'll get through this. Together." 

   Ginny smiled. "That's beautiful, Luna." 

   Neville nodded. "Wise words." 

   "Ginny, why did you want to meet here anyways?" Luna asked, crossing her arms. 

   "I had an idea." Ginny replied, not looking at either of them. "Albeit a stupid one." 

   "We're listening." Neville told her. 

   Ginny sighed. "We break into Snape's office.... And steal the sword of Gryffindor." 

   Their eyes widened. 

   "I know." Ginny muttered. "Stupid." 

   "Not stupid." Luna insisted. "Bold. Brave." 

   "A plan worthy of any true Gryffindor." 

   Ginny smiled. 

   "One question." Luna spoke up. "Why?" 

   "First of all, Snape doesn't deserve it." Ginny stood up, facing them. "Second of all, we need to take a stand. We need to give everyone here hope. To realize that they have us fighting for them every day. They have Ron, Harry, and Hermione out there working to stop You-Know-Who as we speak. The sword will show them, show us, that even if we are just kids, or just rebels, we can still make a difference. We can still fight and win." 

   "And never ever give." Neville agreed. "Never back down." 

   Ginny nodded. "Ron, Harry, and Hermione never did anything alone. They always won, because they had each other." 

   "They were a trio." Luna commented. "And now so are we." 

   "Things are serious." Neville told them. "The stakes are higher than they've ever been. But it doesn't matter. Because we are going to fight against any attack, they throw at us. We are going to stand up for what is right. To protect and defend. No matter what. The three of us." 

   They all nodded. 

   "When are we going to do this?" Luna asked. 

   "Tomorrow morning we'll form a plan." Neville replied. 

   "And tomorrow night, we will strike." Ginny agreed. 

   "We should head to bed before we're discovered." Luna suggested. 

   Neville and Luna began heading toward the door when they turned back and noticed Ginny wasn't coming. 

   "Are you coming?" Luna asked. "Gin? Ginny!" 

   "Um, yeah. I'll be right there." Ginny replied. 

   "You sure?" Neville asked. 

   "Yeah, I'll be fine." Ginny replied. 

   The two nodded. Ginny watched them leave. She took a deep breath, as she tried to clear her mind. But it was hard. She refused to cry. She wasn't much of a crier. But sometimes you need to. Even though she tried to keep her mind away, she kept thinking about the trio. Out there alone. Scared. Fighting for their lives. 

    Hermione was her friend, and they had gotten pretty close over the years. After Luna and now Neville (they had gotten close this year) Hermione was her closest friend. 

    Ron was her brother. And yeah, they've fought a lot in the past. But he is also the brother she's closest to. It doesn't matter how many brothers she has, losing even one of them would be devastating. Ron gets on her nerve, but she also loves him so much. The thought of losing hm terrifies her. 

    Then there's Harry. Her ex-boyfriend, but love of her life. He only broke up with her to protect to her. If Voldemort or Death Eaters discovered how much he cares for her, she'll be endanger. He couldn't live with the idea of something happening to her. He loves her too much. But she loves him too. She keeps thinking about him. Wondering where he is. How he's holding up. If he's being successful on his secret mission. If he's thinking about her as much as she's thinking about him. But she knows him. She knows how strong he is and how capable. Besides, he has Ron and Hermione with him. He'll get through this. She'll get through this. Then, maybe, just maybe, they can start a new life, without doom and gloom hanging over them constantly. 

    Ginny took one last deep breath, clearing Harry and Ron and Hermione from her mind, as she composed herself. The she left the Room of Requirement, only to find Neville and Luna there, looking on guard as their eyes scanned the empty halls. Once they were sure it was clear, they turned to her and smiled. 

   "What are you guys still doing here?" Ginny asked. "Shouldn't you be back at your Common Rooms?" 

   "We weren't going to leave you to walk these halls alone, Gin." Luna replied. "It's dangerous these days." 

   "The three of us are going to walk Luna to the Ravenclaw Common Room before we head to the Gryffindor Common Room." Neville told her. "That way none of us are walking these halls on our own." 

   Ginny smiled, feeling lucky to have the two of them in her life. "Then let's go." 

   They linked arms and walked down the hallway, glancing around corners before making their way in those directions. Keeping a vigilant eye in every direction, for Snape or the Carrows. All of their sneaking around and scheming this past year (and last year in the D.A) made this really easy for them. They dropped Luna off outside her Common Room, waited for to go inside to make sure she was safe, and then walked together to their Common Room. Once inside, they could safely relax. 

   Ginny waved to Neville as he went up to the boy's dormitory, and she went to the girl's dormitory. Once in her room she got into bed and closed her eyes. She tried to push Harry, Ron and Hermione far from her sleep. She was also stressed for what her, Neville, and Luna had planned tomorrow. The three of them could get tortured if it goes wrong. But she had to hope for the best. Neville and Luna were counting on her. So was Harry. With that last thought, she fell asleep. 

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