Quidditch- Ginny's POV!

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     I was getting beyond annoyed with the commentor. He was being awful today. My hair swinging in its ponytail as I flew on m broom, I saw Harry catching the Snitch, winning us the game. I knew he could do it! As always. But as everyone else hugged in midair, I kept flying. I heard Harry yelling my name, asking what I was doing. But I ignored him, as my speed grew. I passed the team and crashed, colliding with the commentator's podium. As thecrowd shrieked and laughed, the Gryffindor teamlanded beside the wreckage of wood under whichZacharias was feebly stirring. 

"Forgot to brake, Professor, sorry." 

    Once my feel hit the ground, I noticed Harry, who was still laughing, break free of the rest of the team andhugged me, but let go very quickly. My eyebrows knit, but then I saw Ron, Harry clapping him on the back. Ron is his best friend, he probably forgot about me the moment he saw my brother. We all left thepitch arm in arm, punching the air and waving totheir supporters. 


Several Months Later: 

    I was dressed and ready for Quidditch and I was pumped! I'm always excited before practice or a big game. I put my hair up in a ponytail, as I always do, to keep it out of my face. I noticed Dean kept staring my way, but I couldn't care less. We broke up yesterday, but I was okay. I was tired of him helping me out of the portrait hole. I can do things on my own. I don't need a man to do these things for me. Dean can just deal. 

    I followed the team into the Quidditch field as we mounted on our broomsticks and got in our positions. It was a lighthearted practice. Very unserious. I kept doing imitations and was getting a lot of laughs from everyone else. I did imitations of Ron anxiously bobbing up and down in front of the goal posts as the Quaffle sped toward him. I did imitations of Harry bellowing orders at McLaggen before being knocked out cold. I kept them all highly amused. Harry was laughing so hard at times, that he kept getting hit by bludgers. He seemed to be distracted today. I just shrugged. Who knows what's going in his head. But I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he was shocked back into reality by said bludgers. I shook my thoughts from Harry and focused on practice.... And my imitations, of course. 

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