Day Off!

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Ginny felt someone shaking her gently. She murmured in her sleep, as she slowly woke up. She knew it couldn't be her parents or brothers because they were not gentle. She sighed as she put her pillow over her head, eyes remaining close. She heard a chuckle, and never who that chuckle belonged to. 

"Harry. Is that you?" 

"Yes. How'd you guess?" 

Ginny moved the pillow aside, eyes finally opened, and smiled up at him. She sat up, moving locks of red hair out of her face. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. 

"You look beautiful in the morning." 


"You do!" 

Ginny laughed. "When did you get here?" 

"Just now. I have the day off and I wanted to surprise you." 

Ginny grinned. "I love you." 

"I love you too." 

"Do we have plans for your day off?" Ginny asked. 

"I thought we could go to Hogsmeade." Harry replied. "Just you and me." 

Ginny stood up and pulled him into a kiss. "Go downstairs and make me breakfast before leave. I need to change anyways." 

Harry laughed. "Yes, ma'am." 

He kissed the back of her hand and then left her room. She grinned as she went to her closet. 


Ginny looked at the brooms in the ship, her fingers tracing one of them. Her eyes were blazing, and she was grinning. She could hear footsteps behind her as arms snaked around her waist. She knew it was her boyfriend. He pulled her close to his chest and laid his head on her shoulder. 

"I think you like that broom more than me." 

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked. 

"You never smile that brightly at me." Harry replied. 

Ginny turned around and playfully slapped his chest. 

"Ow! Have I told you that hit hard?" 

"Every time I slap you." 

"Then to fix the problem we could-" 

"Slap you more so that you're so use to it and will be numb to the pain?" 

"No! Stop slapping me." 

"Where's the fun in that?" 

Harry laughed and kissed her. She returned the smile. 

"I'm going to get a Butterbeer. You want one?" Ginny asked. 

"Sounds lovely." Harry replied. 

"Meet you outside in five?" 



Ginny walked outside, two Butterbeer's in hand, as she felt the cold air rush at her. She saw Harry and walked towards him. But the closer she got; her smile faltered. He was holding a broom. Not just any broom. The broom she was eyeing in the shop. 

"What's this?" Ginny asked. 

"A broom." Harry replied. "For you." 


"There doesn't have to be a special occasion for me to get a gift for my girlfriend. Besides, you start on the Holyhead Harpies soon, Gin. You need a better broom." 

I love you, Harry. But I don't need you to buy me brooms." 

"I know, Ginny. You are perfectly capable. I'm not doing this because you're not. I'm doing this because I love you, and I love to see you smile and happy. Okay?" 

Ginny smiled and nodded. "Okay." 

Harry held the broom out. "So, will you just accept the loving gift from your amazing boyfriend?" 

Ginny laughed as she took the broom. "There. Happy?" 

"Very much so." 

Grinning, Ginny kissed him. 


Ginny led Harry into Honeydukes and he laughed. 

"You and sweets." 

"I love you, Harry, but sweets are my true love." 

"Ah. I see how it is." 

"Let's get as many sweets as we can carry." Ginny told him. 

"You're going to be on an unbearable sugar high, aren't you?" 

"You know it." 

Harry followed Ginny to a stack of sweets as she began searching through them. He watched her with a smile. 


Ginny and Harry sat on a bench outside, enjoying the tons of snacks they had bought at Honeydukes. They both took out a Chocolate Frog. 

"I got Ron." Harry told her. 


Harry showed it to her. 

Ginny laughed. "He says that's his proudest moment." 

"I know." Harry laughed. "I still can't believe Ron, Hermione, and I got Chocolate cards of our own now. I still remember when I was 11, and I had just befriended Ron. We just clicked. Immediately. When we were snacking on everything we bought at the Trolley, he showed me the Chocolate cards. It was my first experience with Chocolate cards. Now we both have our own." 

"You deserve it." Ginny told him. "You three singlehandedly saved the Wizarding World." 

"Not singlehandedly." Harry corrected. "We had a lot of help." 

"You did. But you three went out and destroyed horcruxes and you fought Voldemort. The rest of us just.... Gave you the extra time you desperately needed." 

Harry laughed. "Well, we couldn't do it with you." 


"Yes. You. Your entire family. Neville. Luna. Remus. Tonks. McGonagall. And so many more." 

"I guess that's true." 

"Who'd you get?" Harry asked. "On your Chocolate Frog Card?" 

"I got some dork." Ginny replied. "Some rando weird guy with a hero complex." 

Ginny turned the card to show him, and Harry was staring at a moving picture of himself smiling. He looked up at Ginny who was grinning, her eyes shown mischievously. 

"You're gonna regret that." 

Ginny laughed. "What will you do?" 


Harry started tickling Ginny's sides as she burst out laughing. She grabbed his sack of candy and hit his face, causing him to fall back and off the bench. She laughed even louder as Harry laid on the ground. 

"Love is a cruel mistress." Harry muttered. 

"I could have told you that." 

"Do I ever get to win?" 

"No. You're the guy." 

Laughing, Harry shook his head. 

"Need a hand?" 

"Yes, please." 

Ginny grabbed his hands and helped him to his feet. They stood mere inches apart. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and leaned in for a kiss. 

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