Qudditch Visit!

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    Harry followed Ron towards the Quidditch pitch. The stadium was packed. This was the last game of the season, and they were here to see Ginny. They were meeting the Weasley who were all here to see her too, including Charlie who was in town visiting. Fleur is coming too, along with Bill. Andromeda was bringing Teddy too, since she had gotten close to Harry and Ginny after everything that has happened. 

"Do you see them?" Harry asked. 

"No." Ron replied, looking for his large family. 

"Ron!" Hermione called, walking up to them, waving. "Harry!" 

"Hermione!" Ron ran up and hugged her, kissing her passionately. 

"Hi, Hermione." 

"Harry." Hermione hugged him. 

"I'll show you to where your family is." Hermione told them. "Luna and Neville are with them." 

"Do you know where Ginny is?" Harry asked. "Probably in the locker room, getting ready." 

Harry nodded. "Of course. Her final game of her Hogwarts years." 

"It's more than that." 

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. 

"Ginny wanted to tell you in person." Hermione replied. "But she told you that she applied to join the Holyhead Harpies in a year, right?" 

Harry nodded. "Yeah. One of them is retiring." 

"Well, the one that is retiring is coming here today to check her out and see if she's a good replacement for her." 

"Really?" Ron spoke up. "That's amazing!" 

"That's incredible!" Harry agreed, stunned and amazed at this opportunity his girlfriend has. 

"She's been preparing for months." Hermione continued. "It seems like all she ever does anymore is Quidditch. Luna and I usually track her at the field and have to force back into Hogwarts just to eat." 

"Sounds about right." Ron commented. 

"I've never seen her like this." Hermione added. 

"Like what?" Harry asked. 

"So.... Nervous." Hermione replied. "Ginny is confident in everything. Which you know above all other, Harry. Her intelligence. Her power. Her body. Her Quidditch ability above everything else." 

"It makes since." Ron spoke up. "Ginny is very confident. But she has always wanted to go pro in Quidditch. She always wanted to join the Holyhead Harpies. Of course, she would be nervous. This is her one chance. Her biggest opportunity." 

"I guess that's true." Hermione agreed. 

"That's why we're all here." Ron added. "To support her." 

"She'll blow them away." Harry told them. "She always does." 


The game was over. Gryffindor won and Ginny played an amazing game. She has been Seeker all year, since Harry graduated. It's not her favorite position, but she's good at it. She got the Snitch moments before the Hufflepuff boy, making them win the game by fifty points. Ginny landed her feet on the ground as her team rushed to her, hugging her. Ginny held onto the Quidditch Cup. as the team separated and the crowd dispersed. 

Ginny saw a woman walking towards her. She recognized her! As a member of the Holyhead Harpies. Daniella Williams. Ginny took a deep breath and walked towards her. 

"Ms. Williams." Ginny greeted. "It's an honor." 

"Please, call me Daniella." 

Ginny nodded. 

"You were amazing out there." Daniella told her. "Great technique. Great talent. You showed passion and great teamwork. All the things we look for." 

Ginny grinned. 

"But my position is chaser. Not Seeker. That is what you will play if you are chosen." 

"Understood. I used to play Chaser, but we didn't have a Seeker this year, so that's been my position. I like being Seeker, but Chaser is my preferred position." 

"I also won't retire for a little over a year. I just want my replacement ready." 

Ginny nodded. "Understood." 

"I'm going to discuss with my team and send you a letter about where to meet us where you'll play a practice match with them." Daniella explained. "My team needs to make sure you work well with them." 

"Yeah. Of course." 

"I'll be in touch." 

Ginny watched Daniella walk away as she grinned. 


She spun around to see Harry walking towards her. "Hi!" 

"You were fantastic." Harry hugged her. 

"Thank you." 

"Was that the person from the Holyhead Harpies?" Harry asked. "Hermione told me." 

"Yeah." Ginny replied. "She loved me!" 

"I knew she would. You're amazing." 

Ginny kissed him. 

"We should find your huge family." Harry suggested. "Before they cause chaos." 

Ginny laughed. "Sounds like my family." 

Harry took Ginny's hand as they walked off. 


Most of the Weasley's had left, including Andromeda and Teddy. Ron stayed, as him and Harry planned to leave together. Ron was off with Hermione, as Harry stayed with Ginny. 

"I love watching you play Quidditch." Harry told her, still holding her hand. 

Ginny smiled. "You do?" 

"Obviously. You're the best Quidditch player I've ever seen." 

Ginny stopped walking and faced him. "Yeah?" 

Harry smiled at her. "Yeah." 

He leaned down and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss, pulling him closer. They heard someone clear their throat and pulled away, turning to look at Ron and Hermione approaching, holding hands. 

"Ready to head home, Harry?" Ron asked. 

"If we must." Harry replied. 

Hermione leaned up and kissed Ron before walking over to Ginny as Harry walked over to Ron. The girls watched the boys leave, since they had to leave the Hogwarts grounds to apparat. 

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