Half Blood Prince Battle- Ginny's POV!

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   I walked into the Gryffindor Common Room, my hair dancing behind me. I was just hanging out at the Courtyard with Luna. She has become my best friend, and I love hanging out with her. But I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name being called.


   I turned around, my hair whipping around and over my shoulder, my eyes blazing. I noticed Ron running toward me, his eyes wide, Hermione following his tracks.


   "What is it, Ron?" I asked. "What is going on?"

   "We need to talk." Ron replied. "In private."

   Then Ron turned on his heels and ran to the corner of the common room. Out of earshot. Hermione took my hand as she led me to where Ron stood, looking anxious.

   "You guys are scaring me."

   My heart pounded in my chest. I stared from one to the other and back again. Ron took a vial of liquid out from his pocket and held it up so that I could see it.

   "This is liquid luck." Ron told me. "Harry won it at the beginning of the year in Potions class."


   "Harry had to leave." Hermione cut in.

   "Leave?" I asked. "Why? What's going on?"

   "Harry had to leave urgently to help Dumbledore." Ron replied. "He couldn't give away specific, and he couldn't stay long enough to see you."

   "But he wanted to." Hermione added. "He told us to let you know."

   Ron nodded. "But there's more.

   I stared at them both, shook my head, and sighed. "You do realize you tell your stories in fragments, right?"

   "Harry said he had a bad feeling about leaving." Ron ignored me. "He wanted the three of us to drink some of this, to keep us safe no matter what is to happen."

  "What does he think will happen?"

   Hermione sighed. "He didn't know. It was just a feeling."

   Ron nodded. "But I've been Harry's best friend long enough to know to trust his instincts." He took the lid off and handed it to me. "You first."

   I slowly took the vial of liquid luck from my brother and took a sip. It tasted odd. Not in a bad way, but not in a good way either. I handed it back to Ron, who immediately handed it to Hermione. Her eyes never left Ron as she took a sip and passed it to him, who drank a sip too, leaving only a little left at the bottom.

   "What now?" I asked.

   "We'll be vigil." Hermione replied. "Be careful and prepare for the worst."

   I nodded.
    I stood outside the Room of Requirement with Ron and Neville, making sure Malfoy couldn't get in. Hermione and Luna kept vigil outside Snape's office. We were there for an hour when Malfoy walked out, causing us all to gasp. How did he get past us. When he noticed we were there, he threw up a black powder, causing it to get pitch black.

   I held up my wand. "Lumos!"

   It didn't work. I heard Ron and Neville trying to cast lighting charms, too, but they all failed. This powder, whatever it is, is too powerful. I could hear footsteps. A lot of footsteps. What had Malfoy done? Who had he brought. Ron is sure they are Death Eater. We couldn't cast any curses, afraid of hitting each other.

   "Run!" Ron yelled.

   "Where?" Neville asked.

   "Anywhere!" Ron replied. "We must get to the light! We must find someone to help us!"

   I heard Ron run down a corridor. I knew it was his footsteps, so I followed, and I hoped Neville had too. Once we reached a corridor with light, we ran into Lupin, quite literally.

   I grinned, so happy to see him. "Remus!"

   Remus stared at us. "What's going on?"

   We explained everything. He nodded and led us away. We had to get help, and we all trusted and relied on Remus. So, we took his lead. I looked to Ron, and he gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded in response.
   The battle was insane. So much has happened. Currently, I was fighting Amycus. I was locked in combat with him, my red hair dancing behind me as he threw hex after hex at me while I dodged them. He was giggling, enjoying trying to torture me.

   "Crucio - Crucio - you can't dance forever, pretty-"

   "Impedimenta!" I heard Harry's voice.

   His jinx hit Amycus in the chest: He gave a piglike squeal of pain, was lifted off his feet and slammed into the opposite wall, slid down it, and fell out of sight behind Ron, Professor McGonagall, and Lupin, each of whom was battling a separate Death Eater. Beyond them.

   "Harry, where did you come from?" I cried.

   But he put his head down and sprinted forward, narrowly avoiding a
blast that erupted over his head, showering them all in bits of wall. I was shocked out of my trance as I rushed to help Ron, my wand raises, my eyes blazing.

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