Dancing the Night Away!

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There was a slight knock on Ginny's bedroom door. So small and gentle. Even if she wasn't her roommate, Ginny knew it would have had to be Luna.

"Come in!"

Luna walked in with a smile on her face. "Hi, Gin."

Ginny had just put up her Quidditch stuff. "Hey, Lun."

"You have a visitor."

"At this hour?"

Luna just grinned as she laughed. With her eyebrows knitted together, Ginny followed her downstairs, but it was empty.


"Outside? At night?"

"Just go. If anybody can take care of themselves, it's you."

Ginny laughed as she walked out the front door. Harry stood there, smiling, holding a single flower.

"What's all this?" Ginny asked.

"You have been so busy with Quidditch training for your big natch you just won." Harry replied. "Congratulations, by the way. You were incredible as always."

Ginny smiled shyly.

"And I've been so busy with being an Auror...."

"We've barely seen each other in weeks." Ginny finished his thought.

"Which is why I'm here." Harry told her. "You are done for the season, and my big case is over."

"More time for each other." Ginny smirked. "Just how I like my time being spent."

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you to the Quidditch after party." Harry apologized. "I got a lead on my dark wizard right at the end of your game."

"Did you catch her?" Ginny asked. "Or him?"

"I caught her, yes." Harry replied. "She's the Ministry's problem now."

"Then congratulations to you too."


"The party wasn't great." Ginny told him. "You didn't miss much."

"I won't miss the next one." Harry told her. "I promise."

"I'll hold you to that."

Harry laughed. "I know you will."

"Why did you really come here?" Ginny asked. "Just to congratulate me on my winning shot?"

"Yes, that." Harry replied, walking closer to her. "And to dance with my girlfriend on the night of her big game that she won singlehandedly."

"It wasn't singlehandedly." Ginny assured. "It was a team effort."

"But you're the most talented." Harry told her. "And the prettiest."

Ginny blushed.

Harry held out his hand. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

Ginny took his hand. "With you? It'll be my pleasure."

Harry pulled Ginny close. Grinning, she put her free hand on his shoulder as Harry put his free hand on her waist.

"There's no music."

"You're my music." Harry told her. "You're all I need."

The two began moving in a rhythum, their bodies touching. They weren't dancing long when they heard music playing as they froze. They turned back to the house, knowing it was Luna, and laughed as they continued dancing, well into the night, never stopping, never taking their eyes off each other, never moving apart.

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