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Harry had been watching Teddy Lupin for the past few hours. Andromeda Tonks dropped her off that morning. He agreed to watch him over the weekend, while he has the next few days off work. He wanted the time with his godson, while Andromeda needed a break. She had gone through a lot these past couple years. Losing her husband and then her only daughter, who just gave birth to her son, who she now raised. But that's why she has Harry and Ginny, his godparents. Of course, Ginny is in her last year of Hogwarts. 

Harry was making lunch as Teddy slept. He turned around to set the table, and Ginny apparated into the room, wand in hand and huge grin plastered on her face, causing him to jump, dropping a plate, causing them to shatter. Her bright red hair was done in a French braid, dropped over her shoulder. She wore a white tank top and jean shorts. She pointed her wand at the plates. 


The plate magically fixed and was set on the table. Harry laughed, his eyes shining while staring at her. 

"Your apparition test was today. I forgot." Harry commented. "What are you doing here?" 

Ginny put her wand away. "I wanted to visit you, of course." 

Harry grinned. "I'm glad." 

He walked over, pulling her close, only stopping when they heard a baby crying, causing Harry to sigh and Ginny to stare at him with a smirk. 

"Is there something you want to tell me?" 

Harry playfully rolled his eyes. "Of course not. I'm watching Teddy this weekend." 

Ginny grinned and ran to her godson. Sighing, Harry followed. He stood by the doorway as he watched Ginny pick Teddy up and hold him close as she sang to the baby to calm him down. It worked almost immediately, soon Harry couldn't hear Teddy cry at all and only heard Ginny's beautiful voice. He smiled to himself, unable to keep his eyes off of her. She turned and saw him watching her. She didn't stop singing, she just smiled at him. Her eyes had their usual blazing look. 

Harry remembered he was cooking food as he walked back into the kitchen. Ginny watched him go, still smiling. She followed him and sat Teddy down in his baby chair as she took out some baby food and began feeding him, while Harry set Ginny a place and put the food out. 


Ginny got out of the shower and changed into pajamas before walking into Harry's room. She saw Harry on his bed, playing with Teddy. She leaned against the doorframe, smiling, her hair still wet from the shower. He looked up and smiled at her. She looked around, noticing she had yet to see her brother, whom Harry lived with. 

"Where's Ron?" 

"You just now noticed your brother wasn't here all day?" 

Ginny laughed. "Of course not. I just figured he was at work. But I also thought he'd be back now." 

"He has this weekend off too." Harry informed her. "But he's spending it with your family." 

Ginny nodded. 

"Do they know you passed your test?" Harry asked. 

"I sent them a letter." Ginny replied. "But I missed my boyfriend and wanted to surprise you." 

"And what a wonderful surprise it was." 

Ginny laughed. 

"I was about to put Teddy to bed." Harry told her. "He looks tired." 

"May I?" 

"Be my guest." 

Ginny picked Teddy up and cradled him as she sang to him once again. She saw his eyes begin to droop as she walked to his cradle in the living room. His eyes finally closed as she gently laid him down, still singing, to make sure he's asleep. Once she was sure he was, she stopped and turned to see Harry had followed her. 

"Are you returning to Hogwarts?" Harry asked. 

"I need to." Ginny replied. "It's late and I have plans to meet Luna and Hermione tomorrow morning." 

"I never did ask how you apparated here." Harry spoke up. "You can't apparated on Hogwarts grounds." 

Smirking, Ginny spun around to face him "I never said I was on Hogwarts grounds." 

"You walked all the way off the grounds just to apparated here?" 

"Of course. You're worth it." 

Harry stepped closer to her, grabbing her waist, and pulling her close. Ginny grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

"I love you, Ginny Weasley." 

"I love you too, Harry Potter." 

The two leaned in as their lips touched. They kissed passionately for several long moments before breaking away, their forehead touching, as they smiled softly. Finally able to kiss without getting interrupted by Teddy. Harry kissed Ginny's forehead and stepped back, giving Ginny space to disapparate. Once gone, Harry looked at Teddy once more before heading to his room. 

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